ADVIK Hi-Tech Private Limited (AHPL) is one of India's leading & Global automotive components manufacturers. We have been catering to the needs of a number of domestic and overseas customers across four continents in the two-wheeler, stationary engine and transmission system segment for the past twelve years.We provide custom-made solutions for our customers designs, keeping in mind their needs and specifications. Our customer base includes leading automotive original equipment manufacturers in India, Europe, UK, US and ASEAN Region.
ADVIK Hi-Tech Private Limited (AHPL) is one of India's leading & Global automotive components manufacturers. We have been catering to the needs of a number of domestic and overseas customers across four continents in the two-wheeler, stationary engine and transmission system segment for the past twelve years.We provide custom-made solutions for our customers designs, keeping in mind their needs and specifications. Our customer base includes leading automotive original equipment manufacturers in India, Europe, UK, US and ASEAN Region.
Delta Silicon 3,Kawasan Lippo Cikarang,Desa Cicau,Kec.Cikarang Pusat,Kab Bekasi,Jawa Barat1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Advik Terbaik
Hal yang baikSaya senang karena dari sini saya bisa belajar mengasah skill , bisa mengoperasikan mesin assy dan bekerja sama dalam satu tim.Dapat mengerti tentang bagian bagian dalam mesin motor.
TantanganKetika di pindah untuk memegang mesin yang berbeda kadang mengalami kesiulitan karena belom bisa cepat seperti teman satu line yang sering di tempat tersebut.
Office staff
May 2021
1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
good salary
Hal yang baiksalary higher than others.
Tantanganneed experience manage time.
Departemen produksi asembly
Feb 2019
Operator produksi asembly
Hal yang baikTidak boleh datang terlambat
TantanganMenguasai senua mesin yang ada di advik
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