4.1 total penilaian dari 51 ulasan

Ulasan Perusahaan

Bekerja di Accenture

4.151 total penilaian
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Tunjangan & keuntungan
Lingkungan kerja
Peringkat untuk Accenture dibagikan sebagaimana adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan kami pedoman komunitas


Menampilkan 51 ulasan, diurutkan dari yang Terbaru
Urutkan berdasarkan
May 2023
Bogor3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
BPO Analyst
Hal yang baikThe facilities provided are luxurious and worth it, offering a peaceful and comfortable working environment. The amenities are fancy and up-to-date, with a printer provided. The location is strategically safe and homey.
TantanganFor the division that is treated as a stepchild due to minimal projects and low human resource standards, there are many perceived differences and satirical discrimination. Projects with the highest payment are often used as stepping stones or additional sources of income for the company, while the human resources directly involved in the project location are disregarded and completely overlooked. It is assumed that human resources in remote project locations can live comfortably with luxurious facilities and sufficient remuneration. If this company wishes to maintain its existing human resources in the long run, it would be advisable to prioritize mental health and validate the company's commitment to the team involved in project locations. This should be supported by competent project managers who care about the career paths of the team members.
IT manager
Nov 2021
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
LEAKING some SECRETS for Tech Positions
Hal yang baikIf you prioritise MONEY over anything else (including your physical & mental health), then Accenture is definitely for you. They give MANY BONUSES, including the ones you never ask.
TantanganHIRING PROCESS: The recruiter hides the fact that your Expected Salary and all bonuses are subject to tax. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES: If you are a Specialist/Expert in a certain Tech field (e.g. Android, iOS, etc), never expect you can retain OR improve your technical mastery here. After your first project, they will eventually force you to learn whatever skill their clients demand (if clients requires you to master AWS, they will force you to handle it, even if you are an iOS Developer). If you cannot satisfy this, get ready to enter PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) where you will be fired after a month or two. COMPENSATIONS & BONUSES: As long as you are willing to be an 'obedient cash cow', tons of bonuses are waiting for you. But the moment you decided to resign, Accenture leadership CANNOT respect you anymore. They will strip as much bonuses as possible from you. In my case, Accenture Leadership gives no Annual/Performance Bonus to me. The payroll put my salary on HOLD to deduct it with the Sign-On Bonus. And this is not stated inside the Work Agreement. CULTURE & VALUES: While Accenture has an amazing culture on paper, their Leadership DOES NOT reflect those values. Accenture Tech Leadership is a bossy leader who put everything on your shoulder then play golf or watch Netflix for the rest of the day, but yell at you if you failed to fulfill his expectations. This is not Accenture Core Values, but this is what I get in Accenture, thanks to an Incompetent Leader. WORK LIFE BALANCE: All BUMN clients (government instances) are TOXIC. They will require you to standby 24/7 to provide a fast response. Even if you have meet the business expectation for the deadline, they might change the deadline as they want to only a few hours. And Accenture Leadership does nothing but wag their tails like a puppy. No one can protect you when the client ruins your personal life & well-being.
12 orang menganggap ini membantu
Data Analyst
Jun 2021
I have my own ups and downs cause it was my first job but I can say that it was all worth it to work with one of the leading BPO company in the country.
Hal yang baikWork and life balance are met. Though, there are times that overtime is required due to the nature of the job itself. The benefits are great as each employee are taken care of as long as they are working under the company. Overall, I can say that I work from a company that truly understands its employee.
TantanganThe company seeks out on each employee's performance and health. Being in a BPO industry, one should expect that workload depends on what clients requires for the company employees to do so. Failing to meet the quota will definitely result to a hit to employee's performance.
Data analyst
Feb 2021
Quezon CityLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
It is my privilege to work in this company.
Hal yang baikI do love the training to enhance our knowledge in our particular task. The psychological test/mental health concerned to be given to the employee quarterly. The events that are offered to employees to relax and unwind.
TantanganI was assigned far from my place and not possible for me to board a place near because of my son who was in grade school that time. My challenge was commuting took me a lot of time.
Feb 2021
Mandaluyong1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
great experience
Hal yang baikthe company is very concern to their employees, good salary however the workplace was too far
TantanganI enjoyed working because of having a good co-employees and team lead but there are some who are inconsiderate
Customer representative
Feb 2021
Quezon City1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Workign is fun in Accenture
Hal yang baikAccenture provides work life balance for all employees and they offer good compensation and benefits. All employees are approachable and helpful to co-employees. Staying with Accenture is really fun I wish to stay there longer
TantanganTravel time because during my stay in Accenture the Im residing in Paranaque and my office is in Libis Quezon city it was transferred from Boni Pioneer and my mode of transportation in by bus but now i think im ok since i have my scooter.
Client Financial Management Analyst
Dec 2020
3 to 4 years in the role
Over Work
Hal yang baikSure for regularization and experience. Learnings and growth. Good for new graduates
TantanganOver work. Over expectation. Stressful. Always comparing your work with other employees and NO WORK LIFE BALANCE.
Team leader
Dec 2020
Ulasan Perusahaan
Hal yang baik- Jenjang karir
Tantangan- Memahami perasaan agent
Call centre agent
Nov 2020
Lingkungan kekeluargaan
Hal yang baikmampu bekerja apapun dan belajar dalam setiap permasalahan dan bisa menentukan problem solving
TantanganMultitasking awal tapi ketika sudah terbiasa jadi nyaman
Nov 2020
Mandaluyong7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
Great Place To Work at Accenture Philippines
Hal yang baikTruly Human Very good benefits Work From Home - Stable network
TantanganBig organization Many people are disengaged
Nov 2020
Hal yang baikInovatif, creatif and sportif
TantanganBahasa and policy
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Customer Service Representative
Sep 2020
Less than 1 year in the role
It was an awesome experience!
Hal yang baikIt was one of the best companies in the world as listed by the Forbes Magazine
TantanganThere is no challenges.
Business analyst
Jun 2020
Luar negeri (Malaysia)1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Good for overall
Hal yang baik1. Kedekatan dengan rekan kerja 2. Balance antara pekerjaan dengan kehidupan diluar kantor 3. Gaji yang melebihi/diatas rata-rata 4. Lingkungan kerja yang dinamis 5. Tidak memerlukan skill tertentu untuk divisi CO
Tantangan1. Perubahan yang terlalu sering dalam urusan kebijakan dasar manajemen 2. Dituntut untuk memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi 3. Score Performance target yang harus dicapai per 2 minggu tinggi 4. Jenjang karier yang cukup lama dan kompleks
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Advance Technology Center
May 2020
Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Working as consultant
Hal yang baikYou will have good experience if you can working as consultant here, not only learn new things, but also learn how to adapt with new client, new colleague, new lead, new procedure, and also new leader.
TantanganIt might be hard at the beginning if you doesn't have strong motivation to learn new things by your self, because in here you will be encourage to always learn new things independently.
Test engineer
Mar 2020
Great learning Experiences and great teamwork
Hal yang baikI enjoy the ambience, the working condition and the company culture
Tantanganto manage all of the task given, we often get more than one task and needed parallel management to deliver the task we're given with high performance
transaction dispute analyst
Dec 2019
Chengdu3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
It's been a rollercoaster ride , but i do enjoyed every minute of it
Hal yang baikThe gender equality in the working environment that keeps everyone feeling safe and secured at the work place
TantanganLanguage barrier between employer and human resource staff
Business process analyst
Sep 2019
metro manilaLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
best experiences ever
Hal yang baikI worked with different kind of people internationally. Most of my colleagues are professional people. I could learn from them how to work as a team and communicate with them. I learned that the language barrier wasn't the problem but mutual understanding between team it was something more important. we used to help each other in good and bad situation.
TantanganI used to work with different kind of people from different countries and background. every of colleagues has a different kind of character and personality. It helped me to communicate with people and socialize with them. By working as a team it's easier to achieve the target.
Sep 2019
Jakarta, Indonesia7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
Consultant whith various experience in Management Consulting.
Hal yang baikBest people, good environment to grow.
TantanganWork life balance.
IT consultant
Aug 2019
Wisma 46, Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Working in Accenture
Hal yang baikThe best place for a fresh graduate to learn fast and share your idea so that you can improve as well as develop your self. The diversity that Accenture have is kind of a huge one, you can see people and their way of working from all he people around the world.
TantanganYou need to be someone who has agility in yourself, fast learner is the key for being success but it's not enough when you know that many things support you to grow from pressure and deadline.
Management Consultant
Jul 2019
Jakarta Selatan, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia5 to 6 years in the role, current employee
Best place to learn and grow
Hal yang baikYou can work without worry, learn from everything about working culture, client engagement, and soft skill as well
TantanganYou need to be able to be fast learner
Data analyst
Jun 2019
Kuala lumpur, malaysia1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
kehidupan bekerja
Hal yang baikkerjaan tidak di bawa pulang, gampang berbaur dengan nasional maupun international, gaji lumayan besar dengan kerjaan seperti itu dan kehidupan di malaysia
Tantanganharus bisa adaptasi dengan update an dari perusahaan ataupun client. banyaknya muka dua disana, kecemburuan bekerja cukup besar
Sales trainer
Jun 2019
Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Banyak Pengalaman dan Ilmu yang didapatkan
Hal yang baikBertemu orang orang baru, dan mengajarkan ilmu baru
TantanganKuat terhadap tekanan dan sistem target
Change Management
Jun 2019
Jakarta Selatan, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Hal yang baikAda tunjangan tahunan
Tantanganwork life balance sangat tidak ada. budaya bekerja yang tidak efektif dan tidak sehat. pekerja dipaksa pulang sampai malam hari untuk menyelesaikan deadline yang tidak masuk akal.
4 orang menganggap ini membantu
IT operation
Mar 2019
Jakarta, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
good environtment, good people
Hal yang baikpeople are so kind, high salary
Tantangantingkat kesulitan kerja tinggi
Feb 2019
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Accenture is a good office, if you want to learn team project.
Hal yang baikThe leader is really friendly. good salary. good benefits. and I have a lot of friends from around the world. we learn about each culture. Also, Accenture has a game day once a week to keep your working spirits good.
Tantanganthe challenges are just you have to keep the clients expectation beyond the expectation. follow or research the guidelines is a must. and the shift rotate is the most challenging because they have midnight shift and weekend work on shifts.
Business and system integration
May 2018
7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
Hal yang baikPeople and the varieties of challenge
TantanganHigh expectation of quality of works
Call center
May 2018
Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Good Facility
Hal yang baikA lot of experiences you can get in this company.
TantanganA lot of challenges
Team leader
Jan 2018
Bandung, Semarang, MalangLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Great salary
Hal yang baikGreat salary
TantanganHard to become a full employee here. Stuck in contract 3 times
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Marketing researcher
Jan 2018
Yogyakarta, Solo, Sragen1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Hal yang baikMembangun link dengan client Membantu & memberi informasi kepada client khususnya para UKM Memberi edukasi kepada client
TantanganKurangnya teknologi informasi tehadap client
GMB Field Agent
Jan 2018
Menjadi Agen GMB di PT Accenture
Hal yang baiksebagai pekerjaan pertama saya, disini saya banyak belajar tentang dunia kerja, terutama dalam bidang pekerjaan lapangan. gaji yang sepadan dengan pekerjaan ditambah insentif dan tunjangan tunjangan lainnya. disini kami sebagai karyawan merasa sangat di hargai, terimakasih Accenture.
Tantangankesulitan sebenarnya hanya masalah belum terbiasa dalam pekerjaan, tetapi lama kelamaan pasti akan teratasi.
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