Work From Home Tips to Stay Productive

Work From Home Tips to Stay Productive
Jobstreet tim kontendiperbarui pada 30 June, 2022


As the coronavirus continues to spread, working from home has become a new reality for a lot of us. Here’s how you can remain productive as you work from home.

Hundreds of millions of people are on lockdown as the world battles the coronavirus. As our front liners—health workers, security and maintenance personnel, police officers, soldiers, supermarket employees, pharmacists, delivery riders—continue to protect and serve us, a lot of us have the tremendous fortune of being able to work from home.

While these are days that can fill us with restlessness and anxiety, let’s find ways to be both calm and productive. Here are some tips on how to stay focused while working from home.

Have a designated workspace.This could be a corner of your dining table, a small desk and chair in your living room, or one end of the couch. No matter how small, a designated workspace will help your brain stay on work mode. If the only workspace you can set up is in a communal area, keep all your work things in a bag or box for easy set-up and pack-up.

Keep your workspace tidy.When you can find what you need when you need it, you’re more productive. Clutter can distract your brain from the task at hand. A clean, organized workspace keeps you focused.

Make a schedule.Working from home means having to juggle both your personal and professional responsibilities. Whether you’re living alone or with others, there are chores to be done, people to take care of, and errands to run. Making a schedule will allow you to maintain a clean home, which is very important as we battle the coronavirus. It also lets you set boundaries with your co-workers—working from home doesn’t mean you’re on-call 24/7. Plus, if you have children, they’ll know—and happily anticipate—when they can have quality time with their parents. Establishing a routine is also good for mental health, bringing consistency and structure during an uncertain time in our lives.

Get ready for the day as though you’re going to your office—because that’s where you’re headed, even if it’s just ten steps away. Take a shower, put on some nice clothes (not your pajamas), have a healthy breakfast, organize your workspace, and get cracking.

Stay away from social media. Easier said than done when we’re all anxious to know what’s happening around us. But anxious is the operative word here—it’s just going to stress you out and distract you from your work. Limit your online activities as you focus on your tasks.

Make time for exercise.This becomes even more important as we stay indoors and live in uncertain times. If you’re a morning person, you could exercise once you wake up. If you tend to get sleepy mid-afternoon, a quick workout could give you an energy boost. If you used to hit the gym after work, then you can exercise once you’ve finished the day’s tasks. It can be a short, ten-minute HIIT workout, or an hour-long yoga session—what’s important is that you get moving.

Not all of us are fortunate enough to be able to work from home.Let’s be grateful we have that choice and the resources to do so. Let’s continue to stay home, practice good hygiene, and find both calmness and productivity indoors. Be safe, everyone!

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