Overcoming the challenges of job search amid COVID-19

Overcoming the challenges of job search amid COVID-19
Jobstreet tim kontendiperbarui pada 30 June, 2022

Given the uncertainties that the Coronavirus brings, job vacancies in Indonesia are expected to fall further this year. Here’s what you should do to overcome the challenges of job search amid COVID-19.

Expect a delay in response from hirers

With companies adopting a remote working system, there might be a delay in the response from hirers after you send in your resumes. Don’t panic, remain patient, and give it a few days. Send in a follow-up email or call to enquire about the hiring process. This also shows the company that you are super interested in the job role and is actively following up.

Don’t give up

Finding employment can be like a full-time job, but the harder you work at it, the better your chances are of finding a job. Don’t give up the search and try out different methods such as making changes to your resume or cover letter. Consider moving sections of your resumes, rewriting key parts, highlighting certain skills and deleting pieces that are not relevant.

Develop yourself with Online Courses

While searching for jobs and waiting for interviews, take ownership of your own skills development, and be well-equipped to seize opportunities in the future economy!

Take on a short-term role

If you are retrenched and are looking to get a job to tide over this difficult time, be open-minded and consider applying for a short-term position. If you did a good job on the role, companies are more likely to offer a contract extension or permanent contracts.

Be realistic about your salary expectations

Do some research and check if it is feasible for the company to provide you the salary you are requesting for. With the economy hit by COVID-19, the company might not be doing so well to be in a position to give you a certain salary. However, you can go ahead and negotiate your pay, but always be prepared to justify and prove that you are deserving of a higher salary.

Should the company not accede to your request, settle for lower pay and prove your worth in the company before requesting a salary increment when the economy improves!

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