Tetap tenang saat menunggu panggilan wawancara kerja kedua

Tetap tenang saat menunggu panggilan wawancara kerja kedua
Jobstreet tim kontendiperbarui pada 30 June, 2022

Wuah, eventually you are called to do a job interview that you want! Congratulations!

However, companies need to do some interviewing process so that they are convinced that you are the right candidate for the job. Waiting for the call from the first interview to the second is not liked by many people. You will feel fear will not get the call.

Do not be afraid, you have the right to contact the company to determine the development of the interview process. However, do not get too excited! The company is not likely to provide an update regarding the interview process. Why? In fact they have more important things!

Here are some tips that can make us calm so that you can be called for a second interview!

Follow all instructions!

After the first interview, the company will usually ask you to give examples of most jobs you can be proud of. Now, when they ask for two forms of writing most instances you can be proud of by email, then send two documents! Do not get too excited by sending 3-5 writing samples to them.

Remember that companies do not have time to just check posts from you. There are many other examples of the work of other candidates that need to be checked! It only eliminates the chance of you to be called for a second interview because they are not able to follow instructions.

A company will not give a position where they can not follow the instructions!

10 smart answers


Make sure that your social media profile update

Never forget the importance of social media profile! The company will check your social media profiles to obtain more information about you. If you managed to convince the company of the nature you are happy to organize, it is expected that your social media profile can reflect it.

Instead, you start to 'eliminate traces of' things that are considered less appropriate in your social media profiles from now on. Do not want the company to have a poor impression on you?

Calm yourself 

Currently, the company promises will contact you 7 days after the first interview, then most likely they will not keep that promise. Many things happen for 7 days and give you an update on the results of the interview may not be a priority!

Things you should do if it does not hear news about the results of the interview after 7 days, try to send e-mail to the company to remind. After that, give a grace period of about 2-3 days before asking the same question to the company.

There are two possibilities happen: they will answer without providing clear information about the results of the interview or do not get answered at all.

By following these three tips, you can feel more calm and confident when waiting for a second interview!

To increase the chance of you to get a second interview calls, create and update profiles resumes in http://id.jobstreet.com! 

More from this category: Interview pekerjaan

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