This is a Full time job
120 jobs
This is a Full time job
- Competitives salary, bonuses
- Medical benefit (BPJS, health insurance, reimbursement), employee gathering, etc
- Skill development
This is a Full time job
- Basic salary + attractive commission.
- Supportive and Dynamic Team
- Bekasi Area
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- BPJS Health and Employeement
- Comission Fee
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- Telesales
- Career Development
- Insurance
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Proses recruitment & selection calon kandidat dilakukan secara online
- Gaji dan benefit yang menarik
- Komunikatif, customer service oriented dan mampu berbahasa Inggris
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- International working environment
- Further training in Australia
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Experience Working in a New and Challenging Field
- Competitive Salary and Incentive
- Work-Life Balance and Positive Work Environment
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Gaji Tetap
- Tunjangan Kesehatan
- BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- BPJS Covered
- Competitive Salary
- Promotion Opportunity
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- BPJS Kesehatan dan Tenagakerjaan
- Gaji pokok UMR + Insentif menarik
- Acara setiap bulannya
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Desk Collection
- Customer Service
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Proses recruitment & selection calon kandidat dilakukan secara online
- benefit yang menarik serta tersedia jenjang karir
- Kontrak kerja yang pasti dan tunjangan Shifting serta BPJS Tenaga kerja
This is a Full time job
- Telemarketing
- Sales
- IT
This is a Full time job
- Attendance Reward
- Incentive
- Career Path