This is a Full time job
100 jobs
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- Career Growth Opportunities
- Good Salary
- Great Benefits
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- 3 months Probation status to be evaluated to permanent employee
- Covered by Private Insurance, BPJS Kesehatan, BPJS KT, Normative Emp Benefit
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- People Development
- Pengembangan Karir
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Medical Insurance
- Banking
This is a Full time job
- Jenjang Karir
- Lingkungan kerja yang friendly
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Budaya kerja positif
- Career development yang baik
- Gaji kompetitif
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Health Insurance
- Annual Bonus
- Self Development
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- Medical
- Lokasi kerja strategis
- Lingkungan kerja menyenangkan
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Career Path
- Learning & Development Opportunities
- Company Culture
This is a Full time job
- Competitive Benefits
- Opportunity for Growth
- Develop Strong Interpersonal Skills
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Biaya Operasional (Bensin, parkir, tol, dan Entertainment)
- Tunjangan Telekomunikasi
- Tunjangan Kesehatan (TOP 1 Medicare, Tunjangan Rawat Jalan), Tunjangan Kacamata
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- BPJS Kesehatan & BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- Bonus & THR
- Transportation
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- Health Allowance
- Transportation Allowance
- Bonus & THR
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Insentif
- Jaminan Kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan
- PPH 21 yang ditanggung oleh perusahaan
This is a Full time job