This is a Full time job
100 jobs
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- Career Path
- Learning & Development Opportunities
- Company Culture
This is a Full time job
- Permanent role with full health insurance
- Competitive salary
- Opportunity for growth
This is a Full time job
- BPJS Kesehatan
- BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- Komunikasi
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Leader
- Experience
- footwear
This is a Full time job
- BPJS Tenaga Kerja
- BPJS Kesehatan
This is a Full time job
- Sertifikat K3
- Autocad,Ethap,Sketcup
- komunikasi
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- can be promoted to permanent employees depending on their performance.
- Can be promoted to level up depending on the performance
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Kesempatan Pengembangan Karier
- Lingkungan Kerja Kolaboratif dan Inklusif
- Kompensasi dan Benefit Kompetitif
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- Compensation and Benefit
- Training and Development
- Working Environment
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Kontrak Perusahaan
- BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, BPJS Kesehatan
This is a Full time job
- Pajak penghasilan (Pph 21) ditaggung oleh Perusahaan
- Disediakan asuransi kesehatan untuk karyawan dan keluarga, selain BPJS Kesehatan
- Strategic Office Location
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job