This is a Full time job
119 jobs
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Recruitment End To End
- Communication Skills
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Good Salary
- Positive Work Environment
- Collaborative Culture
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Bonus Tahunan
- BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dan BPJS Kesehatan
- Bantuan Rawat Inap, Free Parking , dsb
This is a Full time job
- Free Lunch & Snacks
- Shuttle and Private Car Facilities
- Attractive performance-based commissions
This is a Full time job
- limitless commision
- career growth
- competitive salary
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Insentif Penjualan
- BPJS Ketenagakerjaan & Kesehatan
- Laptop
This is a Full time job
- Bonus pencapaian target bulanan/tahunan
- Fasiltas kendaraan /mobil
This is a Full time job
- kol specialist
- mandarin translator
This is a Full time job
- BPJS Kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan
- Annual bonus and THR
- B2B Sales
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- Career Opportunity
- Dynamic Work Environtment
- Attractive Benefits
This is a Full time job
- Gaji Pokok dan Komisi
- Akomodasi tempat tinggal pada tanggal tertentu
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- Lingkungan Kerja yang Kolaboratif dan Inklusif
- Fokus pada Inovasi dan Keunggulan
- Komitmen terhadap Pengembangan Karir Karyawan
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
- Kualitas produk sangat baik
- Insentif menarik
- Lingkungan nyaman
This is a Full time job
- Peluang karier menjanjikan di proyek pemerintah dengan prospek pertumbuhan luas
- Lingkungan kerja profesional yang mendukung pengembangan keterampilan Anda.
- Berkontribusi pada proyek strategis yang berdampak untuk publik
This is a Full time job
- Appealing medical and educational benefit
- Easy MRT and other public transport access
- Collaborative and supportive work environment
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Having minimum 3 years experience as Sales & Marketing in agriculture machinery
- A self-motivated individual with high integrity
- passionate about the agricultural industry and its farming practices
This is a Full time job
- Bonus by performance
- Interesting Career Path
- Good welfare
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job