This is a Full time job
100 jobs
This is a Full time job
- Mechanical Plumbing
- Plumbing Maintenance
- Maintenance Electrical Plumbing
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Career opportunity in Mineral Industry
- Project involvement to exposure skill and knowledge
- To build professional networking
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- can be promoted to permanent employees depending on their performance.
- Can be promoted to level up depending on the performance
- a multinational company
This is a Full time job
- dapat mobil operasional
- tunjangan
- bonus ke luar negeri
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- THR, Kompensasi, BPJS Kesehatan, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- Tunjangan Pakaian Kerja, Tunjangan Cuti Tahunan
- Bonus Tahunan, Asuransi swasta selain bpjs
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- Medical
- Meal & Transportation
This is a Contract/Temp job
- can be promoted to permanent employees depending on their performance.
- Can be promoted to level up depending on the performance
- a multinational company
This is a Full time job
- PT Galva Technologies Tbk, sudah berkontribusi lebih dari 30 tahun di bidangnya
- Bonus dan fasilitas menarik untuk karyawan dan keluarga.
- Jenjang karier berdasarkan prestasi.
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
- disiplin
- menyukai binatang
- Bonus apabila rajin
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Full time job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
This is a Contract/Temp job
- can be promoted to permanent employees depending on their performance.
- Can be promoted to level up depending on the performance
This is a Contract/Temp job
- Jenjang karir yang sangat terbuka
- Mendapat pelatihan baik soft skill maupun hard skill untuk pengembangan
This is a Full time job