DOSEN TETAP S3 _Prodi T. Perencanaan Wilayah & Tata Kota (Deltamas, Cikarang)
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This is a call for you with a passion and a drive for excellence, from an eco-industry oriented university that collaborates with ITB, Sinar Mas and Pemkab Bekasi, located in Central Business District of Kota Deltamas, Central Cikarang.
- Have a Doctoral degree (S3) in Regional & Urban Planning Study
- Having RELEVANT lecturing experience in university as least 2 years.
- Has a Functional Position (Jabatan Fungsional) “Asisten Ahli” (AA) registered in the lecturer functional position system in accordance with the regulations in force in Indonesia.
- Have relevant academic and professional experience in the field of urban and regional planning, both in the public and private sectors (for example in urban development planning, urban infrastructure development, regional management or public policy analysis).
- The ability to use urban planning and design software, such as GIS (Geographic Information Systems), AutoCAD, or other relevant software, is highly appreciated.
- Keeping up with technology developments & system management in university.
- Communicative, collaborative, achiever, problem solver. Look neat & clean.
- Willing to work full time as a permanent lecturer.
- Preparing Syllabus and Learning Plan: Preparing syllabus, semester learning plan (RPS), and teaching materials in accordance with the curriculum set by the study program.
- Guiding students in preparing final assignments related to regional and urban planning, as well as providing input on research methodology, data analysis, and scientific writing.
- Developing and implementing research in the field of Regional and Urban Planning, such as sustainable urban planning, urban area management, transportation planning, and spatial analysis.
- Maintain OBE curriculum to achieve accreditation
- Support our university's big vision and be part of its excellence journey.
Employer questions
Your application will include the following questions:
- How many years' experience do you have as a Lecturer?
- Berapa gaji bulanan yang kamu inginkan?
- Kualifikasi mana yang kamu miliki?
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