DOSEN TETAP S3 _Prodi PERTAMBANGAN (Location: Deltamas, Cikarang)

Posted 11h ago

This is a call for you with a passion and a drive for excellence, from an eco-industry oriented university that collaborates with ITB, Sinar Mas and Pemkab Bekasi, located in Central Business District of Kota Deltamas, Central Cikarang.



  • Have a Doctoral degree in Mining Engineering or a relevant discipline, such as Geology, Geophysical Engineering, or Natural Resources Engineering that focuses on aspects of mining engineering 
  • Having relevant Lecturing experience in university as least 2 years.
  • Has a Functional Position (Jabatan Fungsional) “Asisten Ahli” (AA) registered in the lecturer functional position system in accordance with the regulations in force in Indonesia.
  • Have relevant academic and professional experience in the field of Mining Engineering, either in the education sector, mining industry, or research institutions that focus on natural resource exploration, mine planning, and natural resource management. 
  • Ability to use software relevant to mining engineering, such as AutoCAD, MinePlan, Surpac, or GIS (Geographic Information System) software, will be highly appreciated..
  • Keeping up with technology developments & system management in university 
  • Communicative, collaborative, achiever, problem solver. Look neat & clean.



  • Preparing Syllabus and Learning Plan: Preparing syllabus, semester learning plan (RPS), and teaching materials in accordance with the curriculum set by the study program.
  • Implementing innovative and technology-based teaching methods, including using software for mine planning and geomechanical analysis (e.g., AutoCAD, MinePlan, Surpac, and GIS), as well as case study-based teaching, experiments, and field simulations. 
  • Mentoring students in research projects focused on mine exploration, mine planning, environmentally friendly mining technologies, or other related topics, and assisting students in publishing their research results.
  • Maintain OBE Curricullum to achieve acreditation.
  • Support our university's big vision and be part of its excellence journey.


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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Berapa gaji bulanan yang kamu inginkan?
  • Kualifikasi mana yang kamu miliki?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Lecturer?

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