SMD Bali

Denpasar, Bali
Full time
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Posted 11h ago

Kualifikasi & Jobdesk

- Minimal Lulusan SMU Sederajat
- Usia 20-40 tahun
- Memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun sebagai SMD (Di utamakan)
- Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi ke GT (Toko & Pasar) & MT (Supermarket & Minimarket)
- Menguasai wilayah pemasaran / penjualan area denpasar bali dan sekitarnya
- Penempatan di distributor denpasar bali
- Memiliki kendaraan pribadi yang lengkap dengan surat-suratnya

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • Are you available to work outside your usual hours when required? (e.g. weekends, evenings, public holidays)

Company profile

FMCG Manufacturing1,001-5,000 employees

We are fish canning industry which was established since 1977 and has been operating since 1978. Since its first day operation we has committed to preserve and improve our products quality. "Being the best at all time" is our utmost motivation in bringing satisfaction to our consumers. Now we are seeking qualified experienced people with strong interpersonal skill and capability for the position as follows :

Perks and benefits

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