Staff Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer

Job Description:

  • Perform full-stack development. Design, build & test cool digital-solutions
  • Troubleshoot and debug applications
  • Ensuring the applications are secure and protected against any potential threats and vulnerabilities
  • Following latest technology updates



  • Good knowledge in using Node.js and React.js
  • Good knowledge in Database Programming MySQL, MongoDB
  • Having knowledge security web application
  • Familiarity with Git
  • Familiarity with PHP (optional)

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Full Stack Developer?
  • Which of the following programming languages are you experienced in?
  • Which of the following front end development libraries and frameworks are you proficient in?
  • Which of the following Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) are you experienced with?
  • Which of the following revision control tools do you have experience using?

Company profile

Company Logo for Hanafiah Ponggawa & Partners
Legal51-100 employees

Beginning as a law office of Mr. L. Hanafiah in 1953 and reconstituted in 1990, today Dentons HPRP is one of the Indonesia’s top 5 largest law firms. We always put our clients at the center of what we do, at the corner of our corporate philosophy and culture. We would like to be recognized as a responsive and reliable partner that brings benefits to our clients.

Always thinking ahead, we understand that industries are evolving and business needs are changing. This environment has influenced us to provide seamless services through maintaining and expanding our presence worldwide by combining with Dentons, the largest global law firm which has more than 10,000 lawyers in 75 countries across the globe, in late 2018. As a part of Dentons, we provide unparalleled coverage across the globe in 40 practice areas and 24 sectors.

We maintain the excellence and continual professional growth of our lawyers in mastering different areas of law, especially Corporate and Commercial, Employment and Litigation, Financial Services, Intellectual Property, Real Property, Resources and Infrastructure, and International Trade. With deep experience, strong dedication, and long-term commitment, we present you quality legal services in timely and cost-sensitive representation.

Our team of experienced lawyers are highly regarded and noted for our strong and active presence within the ASEAN region. With our knowledge of the laws, language, and business customs in the ASEAN countries we operate in – we offer you deep local expertise, with a global perspective.

Perks and benefits

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What can I earn as a Full Stack Developer
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