Staff Event Promotion Farmasi
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- Bisa menyetir mobil dan punya sim A
- Bisa menggunakan microsoft excel, powerpoint dan word dengan baik
- Pendidikan S1 semua jurusan
- Bersedia dinas ke luar kota
Job Desk :
- Menyiapkan campaign baik secara teknis maupun secara digital
- Berkoordinasi dg team digital terkait campaign yg akan dilakukan
- Berkoordinasi dengan vendor terkait event promotion maupun sponsorship
- Membuat evaluasi post event
- Melaksanakan the day event
Company profile
Healthcare & Medical101-1,000 employees
PT. Erela founded in 1965 by Drs. Edi Handojo and Dra. Kusumawati Handojo on Jalan Erlangga, Semarang, Indonesia.
On 1973 the factory was then built at Jalan Murbei 2 Semarang, Indonesia equipped with better and bigger production line facilities
Awarded with a CPOB certificate in 1990, PT. Erela was the first company in Central Java to receive such distinction.
On 4 February 2005, PT. Erela was awarded ISO certificate 9001:2000.
Since 4 Febuary 2011, PT. Erela was awarded ISO certificate 9001:2008.
At the end 2012, PT. Erela has fulfilled resertification for CPOB which is conformed to CGMP standard.
Instagram Erela
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Youtube Erela
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