Urban Planning Specialist

PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk
Posted 30d+ ago

To become the best property developer in Indonesia.
Focusing on innovation to improve quality of life.

~ Alam Sutera's Vision

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Company profile

Alam Sutera Realty

Real Estate & Property1,001-5,000 employees

Alam Sutera is an integrated property developer in Indonesia, focusing on innovation to improve people’s quality of life. The township management are focused on the development as well as management of residential areas, commercial districts, industrial areas, shopping centers, leisure centers and hospitality. Alam Sutera has become a pioneer in green living and a dynamic icon of urban development, committed to building a better life. The journey as the leading property developer company began with developing excellent service and quality in comfortable, safe and healthy environments.

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance
Sports (e.g. Gym)

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