Paint QC Analyst


  1. Pendidikan min D3 Analis Kimia / Kimia
  2. Berpengalaman min 1 tahun di Manufaktur
  3. Memahami QMS, 7 tools dan 5R
  4. Familiar dengan instrument Lab Wet Chem a
  5. Mampu mengoperasikan peralatan laboratorium fisika kimia
  6. Bersedia bekerja shift



Mengontrol dan melaksanakan pengujian produk intermediate (pasta dan tinting base), produk jadi waterbase maupun solventbase sesuai dengan parameter uji dan standard yang telah ditentukan.

Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Quality Control Analyst?
  • Which of the following Microsoft Office products are you experienced with?

Company profile

Company Logo for PT Avia Avian Tbk
Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics101-1,000 employees

Avian Brands lebih dari 4 dekade telah memberikan warna bagi kehidupan jutaan keluarga Indonesia melalui aneka ragam produk-produk kami diantaranya Avian Cat Kayu dan Besi, Avitex Cat Tembok Kebanggaan Orang Hebat, dan No Drop Cat Pelapis Anti Bocor. Keberadaan kami bertujuan untuk memberikan manfaat terdepan dan berkontribusi dalam mewarnai Indonesia.

Avian Brands has more than 4 decades coloring millions family living in Indonesia, through our various products, among other Avian Cat Kayu dan Besi, Avitex Cat Tembok Kebanggaan Orang Hebat, dan No Drop Cat Pelapis Anti Bocor. Our existence is to give the leading advantages, and to contribute in coloring Indonesia.

Perks and benefits

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