Digital Marketing Supervisor

Posted 11d ago

Deskripsi Pekerjaan: 

  • Merancang dan mengimplementasikan strategi pemasaran digital yang sejalan dengan tujuan bisnis perusahaan.
  • Menentukan kanal pemasaran digital yang paling efektif (SEO, SEM, media sosial, email marketing, konten, dll.).
  • Memantau tren dan inovasi digital untuk memastikan perusahaan tetap up-to-date dengan perkembangan pasar.
  • Mengelola, merencanakan, dan melaksanakan kampanye iklan digital di platform seperti Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, dll.
  • Memastikan setiap kampanye digital mencapai KPI yang ditetapkan dan memberikan ROI yang optimal.
  • Mengumpulkan data dan menganalisis hasil kampanye pemasaran digital.
  • Membuat laporan berkala mengenai kinerja kampanye dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan.
  • Menggunakan alat analitik digital (Google Analytics, SEMrush, dll.) untuk melacak perkembangan dan hasil.
  • Mengelola anggaran untuk kampanye pemasaran digital dan memastikan anggaran digunakan secara efisien dan efektif.
  • Memastikan pengeluaran kampanye digital berada dalam batas yang ditetapkan dan memberikan hasil yang sesuai dengan anggaran.



  • Pendidikan minimal S1 dari semua jurusan (lebih disukai dari jurusan Marketing Komunikasi, Public Relation dengan IPK minimal 3.00)
  • Memiliki pengalaman di bidang digital marketing atau social media minimal 2-3 tahun
  • Kemampuan dalam menggunakan alat analitik dan platform iklan digital (Google Ads, Facebook Ads Manager, Google Analytics, dll.)
  • Pengetahuan mendalam tentang SEO, SEM, social media marketing, email marketing, dan content marketing
  • Kreatif, proaktif, dan memiliki keterampilan manajerial yang baik
  • Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
  • Kemampuan analitis dan pemecahan masalah yang kuat
  • Kemampuan untuk bekerja dengan tenggat waktu yang ketat dan manajemen proyek
  • Pengetahuan mengenai tren pemasaran digital terbaru dan alat teknologi yang digunakan dalam digital marketing
  • Penempatan di Head Office, Cengkareng - Jakarta Barat

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Digital Marketing Supervisor?
  • Do you have experience with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?
  • How many years' experience do you have in digital marketing?
  • Have you worked in a role where you were responsible for budget management & forecasting?

Company profile

Company Logo for Orang Tua Group
FMCG ManufacturingMore than 10,000 employees

OT is a consumer goods company that produces a wide range of daily necessities. From a traditional health drink with consistent use of high quality ingredients and standardized processes, OT is increasingly becoming a modern enterprise, without parting from the positive values and dignity instilled by the company's founder.

Our products, ranging from food and beverages to personal care products, have since long been part of life for Indonesian consumers. Our established brands include Formula, Tango, Teh Gelas, MintZ, Blaster, Oops, and Kiranti. In point of fact, for its quality, OT products are offered in the international market, so can now also be enjoyed abroad.

With a focus on consumer needs and through ongoing innovation, OT has launched superior products that were granted various awards from nationally and internationally recognized survey organizations.

Our achievements cannot be separated from the support of consumers, employees, and the values that we have believed in from the beginning. The trust and hard work of many different parties have formed OT into a company that is committed to constantly improve on products and work processes to meet all consumer needs.


OT has transformed from a company that only produces traditional health drinks into a large organization that offers a wide range of daily necessities

OT began its journey in Indonesia with traditional health drinks. In those early years, public acceptance of its products was good and OT expanded rapidly. Hence, OT build a second factory in Jakarta to support its operations in Semarang

Along with changing consumers needs for everyday products, OT decided to venture into the business of consumer goods by investing in construction of production facilities and new business units. Toothpaste and toothbrush under the FORMULA brand were the first products manufactured. One year later, OT formed a holding company called ADA, which stands for Attention, Direction, and Action. Under the banner of ADA, which mean ‘available’ in the Indonesian language, business development, product diversification, and increasing production capacity continue to be the target of a successful run.

In this year, OT appointed PT. Arta Boga Cemerlang as its sole distributor, entrusted with handling and management of the OT product distribution channels throughout Indonesia.

In this year, ADA was renamed ORANG TUA. The rich brand history and core values had rooted well in the Indonesian society, which presented a huge advantage for the company. After changing the name, the business developed rapidly.

In line with this progress, ORANG TUA decided to make changes to its logo that same year.

In this year, the ORANG TUA (OT) logo was modernized again, to better reflect OT as a dynamic, energetic and youthful consumer goods companies, becoming a source of pride for all its employees.

At present, the business is still growing, with the addition of other OT business units and new products.

Food (wafer, biscuits, chocolate, candies, nuts, and desserts)

Beverages (ready to drink tea and healthy drinks)

Personal Care (dental and mouth care, hair products, and razors)

Perks and benefits
Sports (e.g. Gym)

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