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Listed more than fourteen days ago

di Pengiklan Anonim

Ini adalah lowongan kerja Kontrak

Rp 15.000.000 – Rp 20.000.000 per month
subClassification: Umum – In-houseUmum – In-house
classification: Hukum(Hukum)
  • Good for young lawyer to gain full-time litigator experiences (hukum perdata)
  • You will have your own office in our company building, laptop will be provided
  • We are international company with global presences
14 hari yang lalu
Listed more than one day ago

Ini adalah lowongan kerja Full time

subClassification: Teknik – Perangkat LunakTeknik – Perangkat Lunak
classification: Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi(Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi)
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Work with the latest cloud and automation tools
  • Collaborative Environment: Work closely with talented teams.
  • Impactful Role: Contributing directly to the company’s success
1 hari yang lalu
Listed more than fourteen days ago

Ini adalah lowongan kerja Full time

Rp 5.000.000 – Rp 6.000.000 per month
subClassification: Perwakilan/Konsultan PenjualanPerwakilan/Konsultan Penjualan
classification: Penjualan(Penjualan)
  • Get hands-on training directly from senior staff in the field.
  • Gain valuable experience and access to an existing customer database.
  • Competitive perks include sales commissions, health insurance, and allowances
14 hari yang lalu
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