Listed more than one day agoSENIOR ENGINEER ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATIONdi PT Amman Mineral Nusa TenggaraIni adalah lowongan kerja Full timeSumbawasubClassification: Teknik Elektro/ElektronikTeknik Elektro/Elektronikclassification: Teknik(Teknik)1 hari yang lalu
Listed more than eleven days agoMEP Engineer (Constructions)di PT Tradecorp IndonesiaIni adalah lowongan kerja KontrakSumbawasubClassification: Teknik Elektro/ElektronikTeknik Elektro/Elektronikclassification: Teknik(Teknik)can be promoted to permanent employees depending on their performance.Can be promoted to level up depending on the performance11 hari yang lalu