About TRUMPFTRUMPF is one of the world's foremost technology companies and stands for quality, excellent products, highly efficient processes and outstanding results. We are market leader for machine tools used in flexible Sheet Metal Processing and also for Industrial lasers.The success of our company derives from the fact that we live common values and aspire to shared objectives. The company principles are intended to contribute towards clarifying these values and objectives and to make them an integral part of the company. They therefore describe the nature and scale of our activities and the way we treat one another. They are binding at all times for everyone who works in the company.In fiscal year 2014/15 the company – which has approximately 11,000 employees – achieved sales of 2.72 billion euros. With around 60 subsidiaries and branches, the TRUMPF Group is represented in almost all the countries of Europe, North and South America and Asia.It has production facilities in Germany, China, France, Great Britain, Japan, Mexico, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, The Czech Republic and the USA.PT. TRUMPF Indonesia itself play a big role in the local market share, with continues growth we are going to expand further in near future.