Tink Tank Solutions
5.0 total penilaian dari 3 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Information & Communication Technology

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jalan palmerah utara no 14, Jakarta, Indonesia


ERP Solution provider, SAP Official Partner, Acumatica ERP Gold Partner, HR Solution provider, Dealer Management System, Distribution ERP solution, Manufacturing Solution
Think Tank is a full service IT business solution company specializing in providing efficient, effective, and innovative business solutions. Think Tank has develop key strategic partnerships with proven IT solution providers, such as: Microsoft, Acumatica, SAP, Oracle, etc as their IT service solution providers. Think Tank provides business system integration, system implementation, IT outsourcing strategy, and custom software development. Our resources, skill sets, experiences, expertise in technologies, and proven unique approaches/methodologies distinguish us and help our clients to gain a competitive advantage. To know more detail about our company, please visit 8thinktank.com

Misi perusahaan kami

We are aiming to always do better than others. So our mission to be as a team is to become elite team in ERP solution provider for our clients and prospects. We also want to be a place where our team can make career on our team to GROW and EXCEL in their skills, knowledge and experiences.


Overview Our team
Our company Profile 2024

Tink Tank Solutions foto

Ulasan dan penilaian

5.03 total penilaian
Menilai gaji tinggi atau rata-rata
Pegawai merekomendasikan perusahaan ini

Ulasan terbaru

IT programmer
May 2023
Jakarta7 to 8 years in the role, former employee
ERP solution provider
Hal yang baikPerusahaan jasa konsultant ERP untuk produk ERP. Partner yg sdh lama di produk ERP.
TantanganDituntut utk bisa maju, belajar hal yg baru, berani explore, berani mencoba.
May 2023
Jakarta5 to 6 years in the role, former employee
Good company to learn and grow
Hal yang baikSaya sebagai team baru lulus belajar banyak dan di bimbing dengan senior saya. Management terus push kami utk belajar.
TantanganTerus belajar hal yang baru dan skills yg baru jadi kita sebagai konsultant di tuntut utk bisa mengembangkan diri
Solution consultant
Sep 2019
Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Good Experience to work and build career
Hal yang baikLearning experience, knowledge sharing, competitive rewards, good exposure to learn more, learning process, good clients with big brands in indonesia, good team member, good mentor, good leader, dll
TantanganDeadline, skill set, learning process, project target, etc
Penilaian untuk Tink Tank Solutions ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Tink Tank Solutions. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.