Telesindo Media
3.3 total penilaian dari 12 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Telecommunications & Internet Service Providers

Ukuran perusahaan

101-1.000 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jl Taman Palem Lestari blok B17 No. 28 Cengkareng Jakarta barat 11520
PT.TELESINDO MEDIA established on August 2008 with confidence to be strategic media for long term potential associate Indonesian market. PT.TELESINDO MEDIA focusing to be a specialist media for Digital Signage Multimedia Information that brings hi-tech new way to delivered information right on target as quick as possible with the shortest time to fulfill the modern customer needs. As Advertising and Multimedia company, we develop and implementing the new way to organized advertising appearance for new product, marketing strategy, brand positioning, communication strategy, and partnership program. Nowday, the fast information delivery time has been the main concern for market needs and to achieve it must be supported with online computer application system to get maximum result in the operational process. Maximum here is to be effective and efficient for time, power and cost. In this modern day, customers in Indonesian much easier to get product information, latest services, as soon after the related information show up in advertising media. This strategy comes along with our policy which is to make sure that the customer gets the information in the first place. Our Partnership Network is oriented to customer satisfaction by getting the information they need in the quickest time according to our standard operational procedure. 1. Media Solution We provide space in advertising multimedia spot on Digital Signage with LCD TV as our media in customers or partners site (e.g. shopping center, minimarket, and supermarket) on strategic spot. So it can open possibility for partners or individual company to put-in information like a product promotion or notice which are played in the LCD over and over again, the main objective is customers inside shopping center or minimarket or supermarket.This give our partners big advantage, because customer intensively and repeatedly see the advertising makes them know more about the product in store and efficiently the product that show in LCD can be consume as soon as possible by the customers, because its located on selling point. 2. Product Development Market Development and implementation to the company or new product can be enjoyed by advertising services provider, so partners with small scale can participate in the advertising program, do promotion with multimedia planning and with more professional Graphic Design & Animation to attract customers also to increase company image.We help to represents value from a product or services provider by using multimedia with success objective can be accept by the market. Customers will be over and over known closely with the new product or service and the product advantage and increasing image can surely give positive result in selling.

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Ulasan dan penilaian

3.312 total penilaian
Menilai gaji tinggi atau rata-rata
Pegawai merekomendasikan perusahaan ini

Ulasan terbaru

Production house
Apr 2018
Jalan Taman Palem Lestari, Tegal Alur, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Spv kameramen
Hal yang baikTeman2 yg solid dan suasana kerja yg tidak membosankan
TantanganManajemen yg kurang berpengalaman dibidang production house
Administration staff
Nov 2017
bidang ADM
Hal yang baikBerubahnya sistem manajemen dlm operasi administrasi setiap tahunnya membuat kerja lebih semangat dan menambah ilmu pengetahuan di PT telesindo media , bukan hanya dalam bidang adm disni kita bisa menguasai dalam segala bidang divisi. Karyawan berhak menguasai pekerjaan yg ada intern perusahaan
TantanganHampir tidak ada, semua masalah disolusikan bersama
Administrasi operasional
Aug 2017
Jalan Taman Palem Lestari, Cengkareng Barat, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Pengalaman bekerja
Hal yang baik1. Mudah bersosialisasi dengan rekan kerja 2. Menemukan pembelajaran banyak hal 3. Uji kekuatan mental 4. Menjadi lebih mandiri 5. Kreatif dan inovatif 6. Mengerti administrasi 7. Menjadi lebih berkembang
Tantangan1. Kenaikan salary 2. Fasilitas bekerja 3. Loyalitas tanpa tinggi tanpa bayaran 4. Perusahaan tidak berkembang 5. Perusahaan mengalami kemunduran
Penilaian untuk Telesindo Media ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
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