Soechi Lines
4.3 total penilaian dari 12 ulasan

Ulasan Perusahaan

Bekerja di Soechi Lines

4.312 total penilaian
Menilai gaji tinggi atau rata-rata
Pegawai merekomendasikan perusahaan ini
Keseimbangan hidup dan pekerjaan
Pengembangan karier
Tunjangan & keuntungan
Lingkungan kerja
Keberagaman & kesempatan yang sama
Peringkat untuk Soechi Lines dibagikan sebagaimana adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan kami pedoman komunitas


Menampilkan 12 ulasan, diurutkan dari yang Terbaru
Urutkan berdasarkan
Human Resources Role
Jan 2024
Central Jakarta Jakarta3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
explore new knowladge
Hal yang baikwork life balance
Tantanganexplore new knowladge
Recruitment Role
Jan 2024
Central Jakarta Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Pengalaman cukup baik
Hal yang baikBanyak belajar hal baru
TantanganHarus cekatan dan bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan
Recruitment Specialist
Nov 2023
Central Jakarta Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Hal yang baikopportunity for career development
Tantanganwe need to be adaptable
Jun 2023
JakartaLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Intern Life
Hal yang baik- Have a good team that could help you to work to the utmost. - Fun and caring team also help us to understand our role and the other staff aren't too hard to get close so if there's anything that you haven't understand yet, they'll help you
Tantangan- Time management, especially in finance division 'cause each purchase order has its own deadlines, so we have to work as fast as we can but carefully so there's no mistakes taht could hold our working performances
Land surveyor
Nov 2021
Sahid Sudirman Center 51st Floor Jl. Jend Sudirman, Kav 86, RT.14/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 102201 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Survey & Certification Staff
Hal yang baikSangat banyak pengalaman dan ilmu yang saya dapat dari perusahaan ini, baik dalam bidang pelayaran, logostik, sertifikasi, operasional, charterer, keagenan dll. Karena basic pendidikan saya adalah akademi pelayaran maka saya sangat beruntung dapat bergabung dan menjadi bagian dari PT. Soechi Lines, Tbk. Banyak lulusan akademi pelayaran mencoba masuk dan bergabung didalamnya, ketika masuk dan tergabung maka akan ada sangat banyak implementasi ilmu yang dapat kami terapkan.
TantanganDalam urusan birokrasi maupun organizing terbilang agak sulit dikarenakan perusahaan teroganisasi dalam perusahaan keluarga (swasta), prosedur maupun pengawasan kerja sangat ketat dan terorganisir dengan sangat baik.
Technical superintendent
Mar 2020
Bekerja sebagai superintendent
Hal yang baikTeam work fleet 5 good
TantanganKantor terletak di kawasan GaGe. Dan parkir harian mahal.
Cadet engineer
Mar 2020
Plaju, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Pengalaman Praktek Laut
Hal yang baikPromote kenaikan jabatan mudah, dan Eks Chief engineer/Captaint bisa menjadi Superintendent jika kinerja bagus, kekeluargaan sangat terjaga antara deck, engine, office
Tantangansulit saat dimana ada trouble pada saat voyage dan spare part tidak ada
ICT Department
Jul 2019
Jakarta, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Great Adventure
Hal yang baikNice environment,Good vibe and atmosphere, Nice teamwork,Coordination & communication with boss and members is good,A lot of things that can be learned through daily activities, As a new member you can get clear direction, because many people here had their experiences in vessels and maritime industry. Salary is competitive also and there's a lot of room for self improvement especially in communication.
TantanganFamily business gave a lot of point of view when giving direction,sometime we got confuse, but thank God you for giving me and team a good boss that can bridging the communication, so after all it depends on how the boss can handle their concern . In maritime industry the salary is average not too good or not too low, but it's acceptable. Afterall working in maritime business gave us a lot of experience and new things that had to be FAST to learn about it
ICT Department
Jul 2019
DKI Jakarta, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Nice environment
Hal yang baikNice environment,Good vibe and atmosphere, Nice teamwork,Coordination & communication with boss and members is good,A lot of things that can be learned through daily activities, As a new member you can get clear direction, because many people here had their experiences in vessels and maritime industry. Salary is competitive also and there's a lot of room for self improvement especially in communication.
TantanganFamily business gave a lot of point of view when giving direction,sometime we got confuse, but thank God you for giving me and team a good boss that can bridging the communication, so after all it depends on how the boss can handle their concern . In maritime industry the salary is average not too good or not too low, but it's acceptable. Afterall working in maritime business gave us a lot of experience and new things that had to be FAST to learn about it
Tax accountant
Jul 2019
Peluang yang cukup baik dalam awal berkarir
Hal yang baikLingkungan kerja antar rekan masih cukup kondusif namun tidak untuk hubungan kerja antar divisi, masih ada yang kurang kondusif, dan ada yg kondusif
TantanganKenaikan gaji minim dan lama proses, sistem manajemen kantor masih belum seperti standard Kantor international,
Jul 2018
Sahid Sudirman Centre, Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
company's management not so good
Hal yang baikbanyak belajar banyak hal, ilmunya luar biasa, bisa bekerja / berinteraksi dengan orang seluruh dunia karena vendornya 80% luar negri semua,
Tantanganmanagemen kurang baik, sering terlambat membayar uang makan dan transportasi, uang THR, perusahaan tidak begitu aware dengan karyawannya.
Project manager
Jul 2017
Jakarta, Indonesia7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
You will never feel bored and always got challenged.
Hal yang baikIts the working environment. All employees are more like family, besides this company is also a family business. The working hectic hour and pressure do not make us break the teamwork and we are more likely to help each other and get the job done and reach the company goals.
TantanganIts a family business which will involve more than 1 or 2 decision makers. I even got job assignment or direct instruction from several owners in one time. Its basically how you manage the works with combination of all part of the family as top management level, from the older generation who are more conventional thinking and the younger generation who are more open minded.
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