So Good Food
4.2 total penilaian dari 98 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan

Situs web


FMCG Manufacturing

Ukuran perusahaan

1.001-5.000 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jl. Daan Mogot KM 12 No 9 Cengkareng Jakarta Barat 11730
We are company from Japfa Group, downstream business models in Indonesia and Southeast Asia by marketing branded processed food directly to consumer. Our operation is fully integrated from manufacturing, packaging to distribution and consumer communication. We have a lot of manufacturing and processing facilities supported by a network of regional distribution offices and sales depots. All our facilities are Halal compliant with quality protein ingredients sourced directly from our upstream operations. We produce ready-to-eat, ready-to-cook packaged food and flavoured milk drinks that are distributed to over 50,000 points of sale in supermarkets, 24/7 convenience stores nation-wide and selected grocery shops in traditional markets. Our brands are well known in the market are SO GOOD, SO NICE, AND REAL GOOD.

So Good Food foto

Ulasan dan penilaian

4.298 total penilaian
Menilai gaji tinggi atau rata-rata
Pegawai merekomendasikan perusahaan ini

Ulasan terbaru

Jan 2025
Bandung West Java11 to 12 years in the role, current employee
- Perusahaan rata-rata pada umumnya namun agak rumit dalam birokrasi dan komunikasinya
Hal yang baikLingkungan kerja yang pada umumnya, tunjangan kesehatan yang cover keluarga
Tantangan- Birokrasi yang panjang dalam pengajuan dan keputusan program2 sehingga berdampak thd relation dengan outlet - Politik yang cukup tinggi - Jenjang karier lebih kepada orang yang dekat dengan kekuasaan saja - Koordinasi antar lini yang kurang berjalan dengan baik - Work life balance yang kurang baik
Manufacturing Department
Sep 2024
Tangerang Banten
Good starters for first job experience
Hal yang baikI think the company is good starter for graduated students, because there is so much thing to learn as you first start taking a full-time jobs. The work-life balance in the company is excellent because the company culture is easygoing and no hard pressure at all. But, what I really enjoyed most was the family bond and emphaty between the active workers is making them a comfortable workplace.
TantanganDifficult carrer path because some reason such as low turnover rate, the loyalty level is very high, and nepotism is still there. Salary rate is only average what others food company offer. Overtime rate for supervisor level is so low because the rate is llimited. There is no yearly bonus for your hardwork (even when the company doing very well).
Nov 2023
jalan daan mogot no 12 jakarta barat7 to 8 years in the role, former employee
pekerjaan lapangan
Hal yang baikkenyamanan lingkungan kerja banyak bertemu orang baru bisa membuat pribadi jadi leadership diteam mendapatkan bonus insentif mempunyai tambahan relasi menambah wawasan dalam bahasa
Tantangandapat mengatasi masalah dilapangan dengan cara sendiri dan harus tetap acc atasan pastinya supaya tidak salah dalam membuat keputusan pada pekerjaan
Penilaian untuk So Good Food ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
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