4.0 total penilaian dari 34 ulasan

Ulasan Perusahaan

Bekerja di Shipper

4.034 total penilaian
Menilai gaji tinggi atau rata-rata
Pegawai merekomendasikan perusahaan ini
Keseimbangan hidup dan pekerjaan
Pengembangan karier
Tunjangan & keuntungan
Lingkungan kerja
Keberagaman & kesempatan yang sama
Peringkat untuk Shipper dibagikan sebagaimana adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan kami pedoman komunitas


Menampilkan 34 ulasan, diurutkan dari yang Terbaru
Urutkan berdasarkan
Sales Role
Sep 2024
South Jakarta Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Repeated mass layoff reflect this company quality. Becareful.
Hal yang baikHigh salary compensate the high risk job.
TantanganManagement full of politics and not speak by data. If you want to join here, please consider career risk.
7 orang menganggap ini membantu
QA Order Processing
Feb 2024
Bandung West Java1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Working at Shipper was a dynamic, challenging, and enjoyable experience, requiring adaptability and flexibility, but the company faced difficulties with layoffs amid the broader challenges in the startup sector from 2022 to 2023.
Hal yang baikWorking here is fun with a dynamic and challenging environment and work culture, you may need the ability to adapt more and flexibility in doing your job
TantanganAs we know, the condition of startup companies is not doing well, including Shipper. From the end of 2022 to the end of 2023, there have been many layoffs in various departments.
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Sales manager
Oct 2023
3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Pengalaman Pekerjaan di Perusahaan Shipper
Hal yang baikBerawal karir di tahun Agustus 2021 dengan di rekrut oleh perusahaan outsourching, Hingga menjadi karyawan tetap di tahun 2022 di bulan Maret, Banyak ilmu yang saya dapatkan di perusahaan dan suasana /culture yang sangat menyenangkan, hingga oktober 2023 saya terkena dampak PHK. Saya tidak menyesalinya dan saya mencoba berfikir realistis dengan perkembangan dunia logistik yang semakin kompleks.
TantanganTidak ada, Dimana kalian yakin kesulitan apapun dapat di lalui dengan baik.
Jan 2023
Medan1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
bekerja di shipper
Hal yang baiktime working and work atmosphere
Tantangantargets and also high pressure to build the area
B2B2C division
Sep 2022
pekerjaan sangat baik dan penuh kedisiplinan
Hal yang baikmendapatkan penilaian kinerja setiap tahun sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja sesuai harapan perusahaan
TantanganMendapatkan jenjang karier
Sep 2022
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Gaji Bagus, Manajemen sangat buruk
Hal yang baikGaji yang kompetitif
TantanganBudaya kerja dan lingkungan kerja yang amburadul dengan alur kerja yang sangat tidak jelas. Koordinasi antar departemen yang sangat buruk pada saat mengerjakan suatu project terbaru dan menjadi sangat molor Kerjaan yang sistemnya sapu jagad, yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh departemen lain Terlalu banyak komplen dari customer karena manajemennya dinilai sangat buruk dan jauh dari kata profesional
Sep 2022
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Super Bad experiences to work in here, Bad Culture & Environment
Hal yang baikGood salary and several nice people with thr flag start up companies
TantanganBad communication in every department for one project, almost all the deadline passed the due date and client will hard complaint. Big data information not arranged in a good condition and not update information Bad culture and environment to work, there's a lot of problem such as molesty, rude word for one person to another person inside of the organization and could be like black ship Day of work sometimes almost seven days in a week
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Associate Product Manager
Aug 2022
1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Good company
Hal yang baikManagement is good, care about the people
TantanganHigh demand and expectation
Supervisor warehouse
Apr 2022
Sikur, Lombok TimurLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Lingkungan kerja yang baik
Hal yang baikKekompakan motivasi, pengembangan karir
TantanganKesulitan yang dihadapi tertanggulangi dengan komunikasi
Mar 2022
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Good Salary, bad management
Hal yang baikFlexible working hours, Company provided high salary & Kulina (meals allowance). Most of employees come from eminent universities
TantanganSince I've been working for Shipper 1 Year +. There is no significant changes for employees' benefit. Company is still unable to provide free Laptop yet & only provide standard health insurance (not covering spouse & family) . The Benefits should be improved, since shipper is going to be unicorn. There's some gap between some divisions, especially between commercial & operations
Mar 2022
Good Team Work
Hal yang baikHave a team like a second family
TantanganKesulitan biasa yang terjadi disetiap pekerjaan
Account Management
Mar 2022
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Pengalaman di Shipper
Hal yang baikwork life balance yang baik
TantanganTerkadang kurang menantang
Nov 2021
Kabupaten TangerangLess than 1 year in the role
Hal yang baikSaya mendapatkan pengalaman yang baru tentang warehouse dan teman teman baru yang saling membagi informasi yang bermanfaat. serta saya memiliki atasan yang baik serta saling berbagi cerita dan motivasi tentang karir pekerjaan.
Tantanganawal nya sulit beradaptasi dengan orang orang baru yang saya baru kenal, tetapi dengan keterbukaan yang ada, saya dapat membuka mindset yang lebih menarik untuk bisa dijadikan langkah kedepannya.
Oct 2021
Good place to self-development
Hal yang baikThe workplace is really comfortable for work
TantanganSo many things to do
Aug 2021
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
The work culture is so good and get new experiences
Hal yang baikLingkungan bekerja sangat nyaman dan supportive
TantanganTarget masih tinggi
Aug 2021
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Tempat kerja yang nyaman
Hal yang baikLumayan menantang dan nyaman kerja di sini, benefit yang di dapatkan juga sesuai, jenjang karir nya juga jelas dan memuaskan, untuk jam kerja juga fleksible working hour. sangat rekomendasi untuk berkarir di Shipper
TantanganTarget yang dicapai besar dan menantang diiri sendiri untuk jadi lebih baik dalam berkarir
Aug 2021
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Tempat kerja yang bagus untuk belajar
Hal yang baikBisa belajar banyak hal dan mengembangkan karir Anda
TantanganTarget yang dicapai besar
Aug 2021
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Good place to learn and work!
Hal yang baikYou can get work life balance with Shipper! Also learn more about another things from another division
TantanganIts barely to see other colleagues since we are still working from home
Aug 2021
A good place to work and learn and widen up my networking
Hal yang baikThey have good innovative product to sell so that there's no barrier for sales team to sell the product
TantanganNeed to do major adjustment with myself since previously I sell B2C products and now more into B2B products
Aug 2021
Learn a lot new things here!
Hal yang baikSupportive environment, support WFH during pandemic
TantanganThe pace is fast, still need to adapt with start up way of work
Aug 2021
Working here helps me grow!
Hal yang baikPandemic situation brings lots of impact, including the working from home habit. Even though, it did not stopped me from expanding my network. Yet it helps me enhance my communication and social skills.
TantanganTime management is important. It was pretty challenging at first to organize and to manage work and life balance since we are working from home. But as time goes by, everything are settled.
Aug 2021
1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
it's a good place to work
Hal yang baikthe environment was good, everyone's friendly and want to teach every single thing.
Tantanganthe workload is quite a lot
Aug 2021
TangerangLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
What A Good Experience
Hal yang baikGood salary for Intern. Can grow and learn a lot, also have supportive environment
TantanganThe company is still developing so there are many things to deal with
Aug 2021
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Logistic Tech 4.0
Hal yang baikGood place to learn, you're free to execute your ideas
TantanganDynamic and fast pace sometimes can be difficult for people that need more time to adapt. Workload may be feels too high for some people. But overall it’s worth it.
Aug 2021
1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Great place for Game Changer
Hal yang baik- Super productive atmosphere - Wins are celebrated - Open and Honest communication - A place where people can make a lot of direct impact on the company growth - Learned a lot from smart people around and they are willing to guide
Tantangan- The given target and typical tech start-up's VUCA environment give you more challenges to learn and grow.
Aug 2021
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Challenging but rewarding as well
Hal yang baik* Good working environment * I can learn a lot * Good opportunities for development
TantanganSometimes we have to set up everything but the good side we can learn a lot as well.
Apr 2021
JakartaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
High target
Hal yang baikSalary is quite high rather than other company
TantanganNo preparation for operations
Feb 2021
jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
terrible work environment
Hal yang baikoffer high salary rather than competitor
Tantanganunclear work flow, bad work culture and environment
Office staff
Jan 2021
KarawaciLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Bekerja di shipper sangat enak
Hal yang baikGaji yang terbilang sangat cukup
TantanganKesulitan tentang jobsdest dan kontrak
Shipping coordinator
Dec 2020
satui, kalikantan selatNLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
next and next
Hal yang baik1. enlarge skill to speaking english witb ship officer from mix country 2. take big responsible when act as cargp. shipper and signature bill of lading / ship manifest
Tantangani receive other chance in next
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