Sunset prospect on well-known local consulting firmHal yang baikPPM Manajemen still has reputation in middle capitalisation clients and small state-owned enterprise, more than other local consulting firm in indonesia.
Suitable for early carrer consultants (especially first jobbers or school leavers but not for middle or senior carrer consultants) due to its basic / mediocre specialisation in finance. It provides flexibity for young consultants to spend time for chasing well-known certification such as CFA and FRM..
TantanganFeodalism culture. Senior managements mostly are selected not based on merit. Even for dept head of financial expert doest have good grasp of knowledge, doest hold professional credential in finance at all. Most managers thinks he/she automatically earn respect from the subordinate (it is stupid). No salary increase for consultant but extravagant lavish salary increase for top managements.
Ridiculous compensation and benefit. Based on information, still there are many employees who are paid below minimum regulated wage. Even the managements dont understand the concept of inflation.. 3 yrs no adjustment of salary because management fear of recession. It is so ridiculous when everybody projects indonesia is entering recovery this year. Based on my lens, PPM doesnt have sufficient pension’s asset for employees it causes concern on PPM will be not able to provide longterm after-employement benefit. It is not a good sign of good firm for staying until retirement. Again it is my opinion as financial analyst. You need to examine it with care. Beware, PPM doesnt care of employees well-being, prosperity, or even sufficiency of compensation and benefit before and after retirement, but PPM management is more than happy (and always trying) to take benefit outside what is written employees job desc..
Low leadership skill of top management. Top managements dont know and dont have turnaround srategy. And dont know how to lead people with expertise. No people with well-known certification in finance want to stay at the firm…
Mininum growth support. No significant and meaningful people development programme. Indeed employees are developed (under their own budget). Yes after employees hold professional designation, the managers will ask employees to: share any connection employees have from professional association he/she follows, develop material/consulting work based on employees’ newly acquired skill, ask employees to put newly acquired certification on firm’s consulting service marketing material (of course without any PPM Manajemen’s contribution on those training or development).
Not recommended for experienced consultants. I recommend to leave the firm as soon as you get well-known certification on your own( good if you can leave before reach 4 yrs of employment).