Profil Perusahaan PolarisNet

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Information & Communication Technology

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan
Polaris|Net is a trusted network Provider that supports your need for 99.99% access reliability and security.Our network operation is managed with the best technology in the industry and by a Globally Certified Network Operators. Through a decade of experience managing Hospitality Industry, Commercial Buildings, Internet Service Providers, and MNCs, we have established our service to be the most sought after in the industry.Polaris|Net has peering with Tier-1 Providers such as: Verizon, NTT, STIX, AT&T and REACH, and National Tier-1 Providers such as: Indosat, Telkom, Moratelindo. Thus ensuring International diversity and availibility. Our Backbone infrastructure is built especially for enterprises that needs network access to support mission critical application and communications between central offices and remote sites.Polaris|Net never stop develops an applicable technology solution into a successful commercial product.Polaris|Net strategic partnerships with the Industry Leading IT companies has continuously produced market breakthrough such as: First WIFI Hotspots, First FTTH, First commercial IP-PBX Services, First Bandwidth

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Ulasan terbaru

Noc engineer
May 2020
Jakarta Selatan, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
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TantanganKebanyakan berhubungan dengan orang asing, amerika inggris eropa rusia arab
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