4.4 total penilaian dari 29 ulasan

Ulasan Perusahaan

Bekerja di Mitrais

4.429 total penilaian
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Peringkat untuk Mitrais dibagikan sebagaimana adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan kami pedoman komunitas


Menampilkan 29 ulasan, diurutkan dari yang Terbaru
Urutkan berdasarkan
Software Developer
Jul 2024
South Jakarta Jakarta3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
One of the best Software Development house in Indonesia.
Hal yang baikThere is opportunity for growth, and the pay is high in most office places. The benefit offered also have high value.
TantanganThe experience with clients will be different because the company have many clients.
May 2024
Denpasar Bali3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Fair and square
Hal yang baik- The compensation, benefit and allowance are fair and good. - There are class/course to improve skills (communication and technical). - Work life balance is fair (depends on the assigned client, we can choose WFO, Hybrid, WFH). - The atmosphere is always positive and transparent.
Tantangan- The career opportunity is depends on the client where we assigned to. If the client is good and it will be smooth else it will be difficult.
Software engineer
Aug 2022
Yogyakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Work life balance!
Hal yang baikgood balance between work and life, we can close the laptop after working hours and have quality time with friends or family. clear career path and many things can be learned in the learning center.
TantanganSometimes it is difficult to achieve the quiz to meet company standards. basic salary has started to be uncompetitive compared to other companies for the same position.
QA tester
Apr 2022
DenpasarLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Nice place to work!
Hal yang baikCompany benefit, work-life balance, good career growth
TantanganDifferent clients, different experiences
Mar 2021
Yogyakarta3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Mitrais offers us the work-life balance. You can pursue your career, but in the same time you can still manage your time with your family. Giving us flexibility working time and great environment :)
Hal yang baikGood environment and colleague, great compensations and benefits such as health insurance, and any other benefits that you may not find in another company.
TantanganEverything is fine for me
Software engineer
Nov 2020
Yogyakarta7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
Karir bukan sekedar pekerjaan
Hal yang baikAnda akan menemui banyak kesempatan mengembangan kemampuan dengan berbagai pelatihan dan sertifikasi. Kesehatan anda tidak perlu kuatir banyak benefit untuk melindungi kesehatan anda. Lingkungan kantor sangat nyaman untuk berkerja. Suka minum kopi, teh, susu? Selalu ada untuk menemani anda bekerja. Permainan dikala senggang juga tersedia untuk rileks sejenak. Manajemen di perusahaan sangat baik, Anda tidak sendirian, Semua siap mendukung satu sama lain.
TantanganMenaikkan level anda di sini memang tidak mudah, tapi jika anda mau berkembang dan mau belajar, pasti anda bisa berkembang. Jangan ragu untuk konsultasikan rencana anda untuk mengembangkan diri di sini.
Java Software Engineer - Senior Software Engineer
Jan 2020
Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Hal yang baikGood Leveling of the Grade. Great Opportunity. Ability to learn novel technologies and hands on the tech stacks leaded with good people. Furthermore, the work life balance is one of the best in Indonesia
TantanganSometimes, it is hard to get the manager's attention due to working in project. Nevertheless, the chance to learn new technologies can replace the bad things.
Jan 2020
Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
One of the best software company in Indonesia
Hal yang baik- competitive salary for non Jakarta cities - openness and adaptability of the company - working from home is allowed - free coffee and drinks - various non working activities to relieve stresses - working balance - good high management - friendly teammates
Tantangan- its hard to rise and get better position in your career as everything is evidence based. - their competency management system is quite useless imo, too theoretical - important skills that we have aren't recognized, even experienced ones are sold as average programmers. - performance review is only based on clients's opinions, clients can say anything they want... - high standard English - no full salary yearly bonus(maximum is 40%) - internet is slow - Facebook is blocked
3 orang menganggap ini membantu
Software Engineer
Jan 2020
Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Awesome !
Hal yang baikWell treated, care about employee welfare, provided with good insurance too. Many benefit here. thanks.
Tantanganhigh self learning Sof
Jan 2020
Jalan Sidobali, Muja Muju, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Salah satu perusahaan IT terbaik di Indonesia
Hal yang baikJenjang Karir , memberikan training bahasa Inggris, ada happy hour setiap bulanya. sarapan tiap hari Rabu dan ada fruit day tiap jumat. jam kerja dan kehidupan seimbang. salary yg bagus untuk junior programmer. ada kegiatan ekstra tambahan Futsal, Xbox dll ada outing. sering buat kaos perusahaan ada Inovathon sepertinya setiap tahun ada
TantanganNasib ditentukan berdasar Project. Penilaian review dari SWEBOK competencies yang belum akurat tetapi cukup bagus sebagai tolak ukur daripada tidak ada sama sekali. untuk middle programmer dan senior dari segi salary ya sedikit dibawah rata-rata dengan perusahaan besar lain. terkadang ada manager yang tidak terlalu memperhatikan anggotanya sehingga terkadang lupa kalau ada jadwal review/meeting dll
Software engineer
Dec 2019
Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesiacurrent employee
Pengembangan karir
Hal yang baikPengembangan karir dalam pemrograman, bahasa, dan penunjang lainnya.
TantanganAgak sulit bersosialisasi
Software Quality Assurance
Mar 2019
Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
A good company to grow
Hal yang baik> Many trainings. English training? check, Training for promotion? check. If you want to improve, Mitrais give a good platform for that. > Good payment as Software Quality Engineer > Never take the work home, always on time and very professional > Very good insurance. Let be honest here, this is a very good offer if you already settled and has a family > happy hours every month > Did I mention this company in Bandung too? Because Bandung is awesome
TantanganNo yearly bonus. No meal remuneration Project based, your work will be different every project, its not problem for me though. I like it so much Many settled people here, I mean they already has family and didnt want to move, I really like it since I am enjoyed work with older companion. Sometimes must go to site, they give you good money for this though
3 orang menganggap ini membantu
Jun 2018
5 to 6 years in the role, current employee
Balanced work and personal life.
Hal yang baikThe company provides many benefits, facilities, company social activities and training.
TantanganThe employee should be flexible and versatile in a very fast changing environment.
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Java software engineer
Feb 2018
Bali, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Managemen Perusahaan Terbaik
Hal yang baikSeluruh elemen dalam perusahaan saling mendukung terciptanya sinergi dalam menjalankan perusahaan.
TantanganSupaya semakin baik dalam mengikuti perkembangan industri dan berinovasi.
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
mining support
Dec 2017
Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
perusahaan besar namun managerial kurang bagus
Hal yang baiklingkungan saja
Tantangankesulitan dalam pengembangan karir, sistem penilaian CRS buruk
Admin Support
Nov 2017
7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
Hal yang baikKomitmen yang baik & transparan. Karyawan sering dilibatkan dalam keputusan strategis (biarpun tidak semua). Curhat dari survey karyawan di follow up, walaupun kadang butuh waktu untuk realisasi nya.
TantanganKelihatannya lebih fokus kepada benefit dibanding dengan gaji , jadi lebih cocok untuk karyawan yang menginginkan hubungan jangka panjang.
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Training and development
Nov 2017
The ability to work autonomously
Hal yang baikThe work-life balance policy that the company upholds The great manager that trusts their subordinate the working discretion Work flexibility Fairly nice benefits and perks The opportunity to give ideas and share to the team Well structure competency assessment and framework
TantanganMostly pressure from the target completion deadline
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Analyst programmer
Sep 2017
Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia5 to 6 years in the role, current employee
Grear company to work in
Hal yang baikGood salary, good facility and good working environment. Always conduct outing activities every year. The best health insurance. Challenging jobs.
TantanganNot yet provide the change to work remotely
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
IT support specialist
Jun 2017
Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Hal yang baikmuch learn
Tantangangood people
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Analyst programmer
Jun 2017
Good for Fresh Graduate, but not for Experienced Programmer
Hal yang baikYou can have a good work life balance as the workload on projects is not very tight. Very good for fresh graduate as they can learn many new things in programming and advanced their career fast.... (well only to middle level actually...)
TantanganIt's very hard to claim skills on the review system (to advance your career and of course the money) because almost every year the system is changed and makes you frustrated. Relocation request is quite hard to get. Sometimes you stuck on the boring project.
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Java Software Engineer - AP
Jun 2017
Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
work-life balance, near home, and high salary
Hal yang baikGood management, work-life balance, good career path, good boss, good friends, high salary, and you can choose Bali, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung, or Jakarta for your office base.
Tantanganyou have to gain more and more skills to get more achievement
5 orang menganggap ini membantu
Software Quality
May 2017
Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Nice Place to Grow
Hal yang baikPlace for juniors to grow fast Good salary for beginner Life balance, rarely overtime Friendly coworker, event with manager you just act like friends
TantanganWhen you're on the mid level, it is quite competitive to excel Some projects hold employees for too long so sometimes we lose opportunity for new project with wider exposure in new technology
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Software Engineer
Apr 2017
Bali, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Good company
Hal yang baik1. Possibility to gain new knowledge and experience 2. Good management, and open against the employees 3. Nice co-workers and work environments 4. The clear career path
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Analyst Pro
Feb 2017
Bandung1 to 2 years in the role
Hal yang baikGood administration, good travel management. good employee management. I made a lot of good friends. The environment is enjoyable, free Friday fruit, ping pong, happy hour, electronic games, everything is fun and there are more to keep you away from stress after having exciting challenge from your project.
TantanganDecorating the interior should make a fresh view of the office
Junior software engineer
Jan 2017
Sanur, Kota Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Good working environment and career development
Hal yang baikEnglish as main language so I can improve my language skills
TantanganSome issues with language from first join
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
.NET Software Engineer
Jan 2017
Good polace to work, but not for career
Hal yang baik- Good for new Software engineer/ Freshgrad - For someone that looking an experience - Strong culture company with good development behaviour - Good environment - Not really stressful, if you have long term project commitment
Tantangan- Quite hard to get promotion, Expectation is too high - Salary is average, not so high but enough, You may get higher salary in out there - No reward will be gave to you even you did great performance during a year, all assessment based on your competency, even it is almost imposibole to get all competency requirement - No bonuses, just benefit including private insurance
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
IT Support
Nov 2016
Yogyakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
great place for job
Hal yang baikfriendly and nice environment
TantanganMany new technologies we found here
Sales Manager
Oct 2016
Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Hal yang baikInsurance, career development
TantanganStrong and experienced people there
Analyst programmer
Sep 2016
Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Best place for growing up!
Hal yang baik- Experience to work with Australian Company and if you luck, you can travel to Australia. - English culture (even you dont need to talk english always, but at least you have to talk english to client & manager and write everything in english. You'll also get free english class) - Working with great developer - Work-life-balance - Less pressure - Research & development program - Competitive salary
TantanganSometimes promotion & increment are not fair. (not based on performance & contribution)
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