BPJS, asuransi swasta Allianz, dan tunjangan lainnya.
Uang Lembur
Uang lembur jika bekerja di luar jam kerja. Hitungan lembur per menit kerja.
THR dibayarkan paling lambat 7 hari sebelum Lebaran.
Bonus Tahunan
Bonus tahunan di pertengahan tahun.
Company Outing
Outing perusahaan tahunan.
Why join us?
Our visionBe leader in providing IT solution in the capital marketOur MissionsDevelop local content IT solution in the capital market.Bring and deliver the best solution to customersprovide reliable and sustainable services and support to customers.
Our visionBe leader in providing IT solution in the capital marketOur MissionsDevelop local content IT solution in the capital market.Bring and deliver the best solution to customersprovide reliable and sustainable services and support to customers.