Jl. Raya Merak Km. 116, Rawa Arum, Pulomerak, Cilegon, Banten, 42436 - Indonesia
The first naphtha cracker factory in Indonesia founded by Lotte Corporation. Will carry out processing of ethylene, propylene, mixed-C4, and gasoline pyrolysis with high temperatures above 800 degrees Celsius.Lotte Chemical's petrochemical processing facility and plant project is expected to be completed and start operating in 2025. It is expected that the petrochemical processing complex will be able to produce 1 million tons of ethylene, 520 thousand tons of propylene, and 250 thousand tons of polypropylene and generate revenues of up to US$ 2.66 billion every year.
The first naphtha cracker factory in Indonesia founded by Lotte Corporation. Will carry out processing of ethylene, propylene, mixed-C4, and gasoline pyrolysis with high temperatures above 800 degrees Celsius.Lotte Chemical's petrochemical processing facility and plant project is expected to be completed and start operating in 2025. It is expected that the petrochemical processing complex will be able to produce 1 million tons of ethylene, 520 thousand tons of propylene, and 250 thousand tons of polypropylene and generate revenues of up to US$ 2.66 billion every year.
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Operations manager and supply chain
Jan 2023
Experiance manage team at tank storage liquid and gas cargo include process jetty activity. I have experiance at surveyor liquid and gas cargo 4 years, experiance in shipping company 4 years and tank storage 8 years
Hal yang baikI always do the best
TantanganThe company dont have anti bribery
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