Intera Lestari Polimer
4.6 total penilaian dari 11 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Chemicals & Plastics Manufacturing

Ukuran perusahaan

101-1.000 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jl. Raya Serang KM 24.5 Balaraja, Tangerang 15610
PT Intera Lestari Polimer, formerly under PT Inter Aneka Lestari Kimia, is an Indonesian company manufacturing plastic masterbatches and polymer compounds since 1990, which later on in 2009 developed bio-polymer compounds. In 2011, we introduced biodegradable bags to the local market. Further technical development gave us the confidence to engage in the international market with ENVIPLAST® bio-based pellets and film/bags.We work harmoniously to provide first-rate products and services to our external and internal customers in terms of consistency in quality and reliability, in response to the customers' needs and growth, while ensuring continuous innovations and improvements as well as the safety and health of our employees in their work environment.VisionTo become a prominent world class company and the ultimate partner of our customers, that provide sustainable added value to all stakeholders while considering the preservation of the environment as well.MissionMasterbatch & Polymer CompoundWe provide quality plastic masterbatches and compounds as an innovative and reliable solution to suit the customer's needs.MissionBio Polymer UnitWe provide technology and bio-polymer products, made from renewable natural resources, that contribute to the conservation of the environment.Visit our Follow our Social MediaIG: enviplast_ina & enviplast.careerLinkedin: Enviplast Career

Intera Lestari Polimer foto

Ulasan dan penilaian

4.611 total penilaian
Menilai gaji tinggi atau rata-rata
Pegawai merekomendasikan perusahaan ini

Ulasan terbaru

Jun 2024
Tangerang Banten3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Perusahaan terbaik dari pengalaman kerja saya sebelum-sebelumnya. Terima kasih telah memberikan kesempatan menjadi bagian dari PT Intera Lestari Polimer.
Hal yang baikPerusahaan yang sangat memperhatikan kesejahteraan Karyawan, taat pada peraturan ketenagakerjaan, dan lingkungan kerja yang kekeluargaan.
TantanganBekerja sejauh ini tidak mengalami kesulitan yang besar karena setiap ada kendala Perusahaan selalu berupaya memberikan solusi.
Jun 2021
Pernah Training Di Hotel PrimeBiz Tegal
Hal yang baikOrang-orang menyenangkan dan Tempat kerja sangat bagus
TantanganDalam bermain komputer
Subject matter expert
Jun 2021
Halaman7 to 8 years in the role, former employee
Saya memiliki pengalaman kerja di PT Jepang
Hal yang baikGaji dan waktu kerja
TantanganLebih memperhatikan lingkungan
Penilaian untuk Intera Lestari Polimer ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Intera Lestari Polimer. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.