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Computer Software & Networking

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51-100 karyawan

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Menara BCA Lt. 39 Suite 3903 Jl. MH. Thamrin No.1
Hitachi Channel Solutions, Ltd. provides operator- and user-friendly products and solutions to bring greater convenience to business operations and to our everyday lives. Our products and solutions are based on the recognition and handling technologies developed over many years by Hitachi, Ltd. and have been widely applied to cash, cards, passbooks, and forms.At Hitachi Channel Solutions, Ltd., it's important that weanticipate the needs of our customers and the general public. By doing so, wehave introduced numerous innovations that benefit society, providingleading-edge products and services to the financial industry and to the retail,transportation, and public sectors.ATM machines have become a ubiquitous part of our society anddaily lives, proliferating far beyond Japan and taking firm root worldwide. Ourcustomers face major management challenges. They must streamline theiradministrative processes and cash management while improving levels ofconvenience and service for their own customers. As a leading ATM vendor, HitachiChannel Solutions, Ltd. has helped to fulfill these requirements both directlyand via its business partners with the goal of popularizing cash recyclingacross the world, particularly in Asia. To continue meeting the increasinglydiverse range of our customers, we will expand the scope of our services andprovide an even wider range of optimal solutions.Hitachi Channel Solutions, Ltd. is firmly committed to workingalongside our customers to develop solutions that leverage all our cumulativetechnologies and expertise while providing products and services tailored tospecific countries and regions. We hope to continue growing worldwide, alongwith our customers. As always, we remain committed to becoming the world's mosttrusted terminal solutions vendor.

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4.533 total penilaian
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Mekanik alat berat
Nov 2022
Saya berharap ingin bisa masuk jadi karyawan PT HITACHI
Hal yang baikSaya sudah pengalaman di bidang mekanical tapi di bidang otomatis kendaraan roda dua dan saya ingin belajar di bidang ini untuk bisa saling bertukar wawasan
TantanganMungkin akan lebih sulit untuk saling memahami antar karyawan
Oct 2022
Bekerja harus Frofesional
Hal yang baikKerja dengan ikhlas akan sangat berkah
TantanganMemprioritaskan kan perusahaan
Maintenance supervisor
Jun 2022
Bekasi Jawa Barat7 to 8 years in the role, former employee
Tempat kerja yang menyenangkan & penuh rasa kekeluargaan
Hal yang baikSuasana kerja menyenangkan Menjunjung tinggi kejujuran Keseimbangan pekerjaan & kehidupan pribadi yang baik Dukungan untuk berinovasi & mengembangkan diri
TantanganKetidak seimbangan pekerjaan dengan SDM yang ada Minim program regenerasi untuk keberlangsungan perusahaan Timpang tindih tugas & tanggung jawab
Penilaian untuk Hitachi ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Hitachi. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.