Foodex Inti Ingredients
4.5 total penilaian dari 8 ulasan

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Hospitality & Tourism

Ukuran perusahaan

51-100 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jl. Soka Blok F 18 No 11-12 Kawasan Industri Delta Silicon 3, Lippo Cikarang Bekasi 17550 - Indonesia
1995, PT. Foodex Inti Ingredients was established by hardworking and creative people to produce Food Seasoning one of the very important ingredients in Food industries.Starting with view people in product development and in production, and now Foodex has becoming one of the country leading food seasoning manufacture employ more than 100 peoples. To continue improving its service to customers, Foodex keeps expand its products range with external new product development as well as though agency collaboration with a few world class food ingredients companies.2005, Foodex again expended and built a new capability to produce meat Reaction Flavor one of the key ingredients in making Seasoning. Combining a complex process of Natural Meat extraction and Maillard Reaction, Foodex is now able to produce various level of Meat Flavour concentration for seasoning, Sauce and Condiments and many other application in processed Food industries, Meat Processed Industries as well as in Food Service business.2008, Foodex has achieved ISO 22000:2005 certification, an international standard of food safety management system. We keep improving our safety efforts to fulfill the international trade rules and the increasing concerns from customers.FOODEX Vision, "To be a preferred partner of the value-added and innovative food seasonings and food ingredients to the processed food industries,. and the Mission, "To improve the food quality by providing the high quality, value-added and innovative food seasoning and food ingredients", clearly show our commitment and responsibility to the best customer and community.Best in Quality and Partnership. Foodex ensures that all products are produced according to the high standard of safety and sanitation and comply with Food industry regulations, In addition Foodex also guarranty all products made are Halal Certified.At Foodex we are always maintain our service to customer through a Flexible, Responsive and Competitive. Therefore if you do business with us that means you have chosen a " Reliable Partner For Excellent Food ".

Foodex Inti Ingredients foto

Ulasan dan penilaian

4.58 total penilaian
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Ulasan terbaru

Kitchen helper
Jan 2020
Helper produksi
Hal yang baik1.Saat produksi mencapai target. 2. Lingkungan perusahaan bersih,membuat kerja lebih semangat dan yang terpenting tentang sop.
Tantangan1.Kurang nya informasi antar sift,sebenarnya hal sepeleh tapi kebanyakan karyawan yg tidak melaksanakanya. 2.kurangnya pendekatan antara atasan dengan operator produksi.
Supervisor produksi
Aug 2019
Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Review PT Foodex Inti Ingredients
Hal yang baikKekeluargaan baik Pressure dari atasan standar koordinasi dengan departemen lain baik
TantanganKoordinasi dengan floor
Jul 2019
Cikarang, 勿加泗西爪哇省印尼1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Great for starting the first step in food manufacturing industries
Hal yang baikThe job is clear. Friends are great depending on your luck.
TantanganYou are forever doing the same thing.
Penilaian untuk Foodex Inti Ingredients ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
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