Fajar Mas Murni
4.2 total penilaian dari 16 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Machinery & Automation

Ukuran perusahaan

101-1.000 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jalan Raya Narogong, Bojong Rawalumbu, West Java, Indonesia
Starting as a General Importer back in early 1973, PT FAJAR MAS MURNI (FMM) has turned the pages of its history. On May 11, 1978 the activities were consolidated and stepped-up. The main activity become representing national and international well-known manufacturers mainly as their exclusive distributor for the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.FMM as it is generally known, is an Indonesian limited liability company. Within a relatively short period of time, FMM’s sphere of endeavour’s has steadily grown and FMM is now well established as a major supplier of various types of essential equipment and materials used to support development in almost all sectors of the Indonesian economy.

Fajar Mas Murni foto

Ulasan dan penilaian

4.216 total penilaian
Menilai gaji tinggi atau rata-rata
Pegawai merekomendasikan perusahaan ini

Ulasan terbaru

Sales engineer
Feb 2023
as a new comer in this company, the management really pay attention to upgrade our knowledge with training and seminar.
Hal yang baikwe have a lot of experience since we've been introduce with all of working divisions in this company.
Tantanganthe challenge is, we will have a lot of travelling moving around in the sales responsible area. we need to be a good time keeper with great time management.
Service engineer
Dec 2022
9 to 10 years in the role, former employee
Pernah menjadi project compressor contrak servis 6 tahun di tambang KPC (katim prima coal)
Hal yang baikBanyak berinteraksi dengan para coustemer dan dapat ilmu tentang compressor slama di bekerja di fajar mas murni
TantanganKenaikan grade lambat
Document control
Aug 2019
Bekasi, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Perbedaan perencanaan project dengan aktual dilapangan
Hal yang baikTantangan saat bekerja, selalu dinamis. Perbedaan lingkungan kerja antar divisi yang baru ditemui
TantanganManajemen kurang familiar dengan project, karena basic bisnisnya adalah perusahaan dagang. Perbedaan rencana kerja antara sales dengan project dilapangan, yang sulit untuk diimplementasikan.
Penilaian untuk Fajar Mas Murni ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Fajar Mas Murni. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.