Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Education & Training

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan
We are a newly established brand in 2015, with deep roots in education since 2009.Champsville Preschool is an early education school with Singapore based bilingual curriculum offered in both English and Chinese.Subject varies to language skill, mathematic skill, creative skill and intrapersonal skill.VisionA loyal citizen and life long learner who is socially and morally responsible, intelectually and physically adept.We aspire that every children to have childhood dream and that the dreams should be lived throughout lifetime.Our role as the educators is to inspire the children that it is possible to achieve every dream in positive ways.We believe that every child has unlimited potentials, is equally gifted in a different way and can achieve all the best things available if they are guided properly.MissionTo provide guidance in learning by building strong fundamentals in learning : the ability to read, write and converse in the world’s major languages – English and Chinese languages.To provide a caring environment where each child is developed morally, socially, intelectually and physically to his fullest potential.To create and maintain a fun and joyful environment for learning through educational activities.To inspire every child to dream high and believe that success comes with hard and smart work.To instill good morality and the sense of respect to parents, teacher, friends and all members of society.

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