Meaningfull of experience but still not enough.Hal yang baikBintan Lagon Resort is the largest resort in Bintan Island with many outlets. 11 outlets actually.And I work in "FIESTA" outlet.Breakfast restaurant and also the main restaurand in Bintan Lagoon Resort.The largest restaurant in Bintan Lagoon with around 500 paxes capacities. We also have the chinese restaurant,so sometimes we change otlet to learn the other menu.
TantanganThe Callenges is,we have to handle the guest that mostly Chinese and Indian people.The chinese person most of them don't know how to speak in english, so to anticipate that situation we learn a little about the chinese language. And we have to understand the indian guest need about the food. And thankfully, we have indian menu,so most the indian guest order the indian menu.Mostly they don't like the other kind of food.