Arupa Cloud Nusantara
5.0 total penilaian dari 12 ulasan

Ulasan Perusahaan

Bekerja di Arupa Cloud Nusantara

5.012 total penilaian
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Peringkat untuk Arupa Cloud Nusantara dibagikan sebagaimana adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan kami pedoman komunitas


Menampilkan 12 ulasan, diurutkan dari yang Terbaru
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Account Manajer
Feb 2025
South Jakarta JakartaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Semoga Arupa semakin sukses.
Hal yang baiklingkungan kerja yang sangat friendly dan terbuka.
TantanganTantangan yang dihadapi , saya baru memulai terjun di bidang IT sehingga saya butuh banyak belajar dari basic IT
Feb 2025
South Jakarta Jakarta5 to 6 years in the role, current employee
One of the most memorable moments in my career was successfully resolving a complex client issue under tight deadlines, which not only strengthened my problem-solving skills but also boosted my confidence in handling challenging situations
Hal yang baikconducive and flexible work environment that fosters continuous learning and professional growth, providing ample opportunities to develop skills and advance in career.
TantanganManaging a diverse range of client needs and complex issue cases while keeping up with the rapid advancements in technology, which require continuous adaptation and innovative problem-solving
Product Specialist
Jan 2025
North Jakarta Jakarta7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
Arupa Cloud Nusantara fosters a positive working culture characterized by open communication, collaboration, and ample opportunities for professional growth.
Hal yang baikColleagues support each other (cross division), solid team, opportunities for career growth, healthy work-life balance
TantanganThe office is too far from home
Brand Communications Manager
Jan 2025
South Jakarta Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Amazing untuk kerja di dunia cloud & IT
Hal yang baiklingkungan dan tim yang solid
Tantangantantangan untuk timeline pekerjaan
Brand Development Coordinator
Jan 2025
South Jakarta Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Menyenangkan dalam setiap hal
Hal yang baiktempat kerja enak dalam gedung yang nyaman jarak dekat dekat dengan banyak fasilitas umum
Tantangankarena di bidang Technology maka setiap individu harus mampu mengembangkan secara luas untuk schoop pekerjaan dan wawasan
Junior Technical Support Staff
Jan 2025
South Jakarta Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Pengembangan pengetahuan dan pengalaman membutuhkan banyak belajar hal-hal baru.
Hal yang baikLingkungan kerja yang baik, team yang solid dalam menghadapi masalah, dan memiliki budaya toleransi serta pengembangan diri yang baik, mendapatkan pembelajaran, pengetahuan dan pengalaman baru.
TantanganMempelajari hal baru tentang layanan-layanan cloud server dan siap menghadapi kendala hal-hal baru.
Head of Customer Success
Jan 2025
South Jakarta Jakarta5 to 6 years in the role, current employee
Great place for you who passion in technology and selling.
Hal yang baikTech update. Career path. Work culture.
TantanganThe distance from home to office is far.
Human Capital Generalist
Jan 2025
South Jakarta Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Fun workplace and competitive benefit & supportive environment
Hal yang baikPerusahaan ini memiliki package benefit yang sangat comprehensive dengan team dan lingkungan yang suportive tidak hanya dalam team namun cross departement pun sangat supportive. Disini juga disupport untuk terus continous learn and grow dengan program training yang sangat menarik
TantanganHarus bisa adaptasi dengan sangat cepat karena load pekerjaan yang beragam dan harus bisa menjadi fast learner
Business Development
Oct 2022
Jakarta3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Great benefit, best working environment, company support
Hal yang baikZettagrid give us great benefit if we can achieve the target. Team mates are cool. It’s also great place to learn something new, it provides the employees with many opportunities for career development, and you will have a lot of chance to explore new technology. This is the best place for you to make an experience with a humble, positive working environment. Employer develop the quality of their employee, they listen and give feedback to every single one of the employee. As an employee, we also get our quality review at the end of the period.
TantanganIt’s a challenge in global pandemic and social distancing protocols to approach some leads. As Business Development, we have to think out of the box to make some deals, especially nowadays we have to compete with other cloud company. Fortunately PT Arupa Cloud Nusantara (Zettagrid) support our work by provide the right platform or tools so that we can continue prospecting some leads by online. Management and leaders are approachable to discuss new idea and things that we can improve.
2 orang menganggap ini membantu
Office Operation Staff
Oct 2022
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
guidance, trust
Hal yang baikMy superior always guide me what to do in daily basis. And gradually I am trusted to do my work independently.
TantanganThere is no difficulty that make me stressfull, I think. But the challenge is short time to finish my work especially in peak period of the month.
3 orang menganggap ini membantu
Human resource
Oct 2022
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Great Teams & Management, Supportive Working Environment
Hal yang baikZettagrid – PT Arupa Cloud Nusantara is the best place to enhance my experience and gain new insight about working in technology company. Located in strategic area, in south Jakarta, it applies flexible working hours. Surrounded by great teams and management experienced in global & multinational companies, they always support us to make improvement. Leaders are very open to discuss and eagerly help us to develop our career at Zettagrid.
TantanganYou have to manage your time properly in order not to get overload. Work is fast paced and challenging but enjoyable because I have supportive team members. And also PT Arupa Cloud Nusantara support me to learn many things as a new hire. They provide learning session to always catch up with the latest information related to HR, Industries, Technology, Management and other significant news.
3 orang menganggap ini membantu
Operational Staff
Oct 2022
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Fun workplace and respectful team
Hal yang baikPT Arupa Cloud Nusantara (Zettagrid) is a great place to learn and grow, the company environment is really fun and helpful. I learn a lot of things from my team. Every Friday we have schedule of sharing session that enrich me with product knowledge, new update about cloud and technology. Zettagrid also provide yummy booster snack for sharing session.
TantanganI have to adapt quickly and be a fast learner. For the first time, it feels very hard for me to understand about cloud computing. But in the end I can learn many things because we work together as a team. I have supportive team members.
3 orang menganggap ini membantu
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