Aldaberta Indonesia
4.0 total penilaian dari 3 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Oil & Gas Extraction & Refinement

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Menara 165, 9th Floor , Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav.1, Cilandak Timur, Jakarta Selatan 12560
Kami menghimbau agar Anda berhati-hati saat melamar pekerjaan dengan selalu memastikan iklan lowongan tersebut sesuai dengan profil perusahaannya. Waspadalah jika Anda menemukan hal-hal di bawah ini :PT Aldaberta Indonesia tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dalam proses rekrutmen.PT Aldaberta Indonesia tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan travel agent / biro perjalanan tertentu dalam proses rekrutmen.Apabila Anda diminta untuk membayar sejumlah uang dalam bentuk pembayaran tiket pesawat dan hotel atau akomodasi lainnya agar diabaikan.Apabila ada Panggilan wawancara di lokasi yang tidak sesuai dengan iklan yang tertera pada iklan lowongan.Jangan memberikan data pribadi atau data keuangan Anda kepada siapapun.-============================================================ ABOUT ALDABERTA INDONESIA PT Aldaberta Indonesia is an EPC as well as Trading and Investment company. As a growing engineering, procurement, construction and commission company, PT Aldaberta Indonesia strive to work hard to give our clients the best and most reliable service for any demanding projects. PT. Aldaberta Indonesia is also building its trading & investment business, property & information technology for expanding its services for future clients.DETAILED ENGINEERING Detailed Engineering Design in the phase where the design is refined, and plans, specifications and estimates are created. Our work includes process & utility flow diagrams, piping & instrumentation diagrams. We generate a detailed evaluation packet consisting of civil, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and telecommunication plan with listed specification & procurement. All our work adheres the engineering standard and are reviewed by a third party such as HAZOP, HAZID and environmental reviews.EPCEngineering, Procurement, Construction & Commission is a phase where company or contractors are doing engineering of a plant, make purchases for related tools/equipment, carrying out construction work, mechanical completion and commissioning & start up. With our management team along with an abundant of experts in the related fields, we are able to plan, manage and perform even the most challenging task to adhere to our client’s requirements. We strive for safety and quality on our work and we offer our clients a safe handover for their projects. Our EPC markets includes Oil & Gas production facilities, Refining, Petrochemical/Fertilizer Plants, Cement Plant, Sugar Mill, Infrastructure and Civil Work.INVESTMENTPT Aldaberta is expanding its business in investment, growing its company by acquiring more assets from two major investment sector: property and long-term contract investment projects, either through green field projects or merger & acquisition projects.As a developing country with an increase demand in housing occupancy as well as job growth, there are ample of opportunities in the market for both commercial and residential property, from office space to apartment complex and many more. PT Aldaberta strives to provide quality service and safety. We show our commitment for this goal by taking a hands on approach on our investment project and oversee it from start to finish; from research & projections to construction to property management, etc. With our background in construction and project management, we believe we can integrate our self well in thisindustry and be profitable for years to come.Long term contract investment projects include pipeline, infrastructure/utility, power, etc. In order to have an excellent and high quality project, we will go through a systematic project evaluation as follows:Pre-Feasibilty StudyGo or No go DecisionBankable Feasibilty StudyPrudent Project StructureSupply & Purchase AgreementPermits & Land AcquisitionFinancial ClosingFEEDEPCCMATERIAL, INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT SUPPLYPT. Aldaberta Indonesia is also a supplier company. We provide a variety of equipment and supply from a wide range of fields. We work with a collections of vendors and manufacturers to provide our clients with the best equipment and supply needed for their projects. Our products have include gas engine & compressor, generator set, waste & water treatment, HVAC, valve & fitting, etc.PROPERTYPT. Aldaberta Indonesia providing architectures and design services aimed at building a distinctive image for your business and providing our clients with functional facilities that are also beautiful. Our experienced and dedicated staff takes the time to truly understand the requirements and needs of your business in order to deliver a custom design solution catered to each individual client. Aldaberta Indonesia also a leading company in Jakarta. We have a strong reputation for successfully handling all phases of commercial project. Though we’ve grown, we still believe that no project is too small.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PT. Aldaberta Indonesia is an established company as an enabler for the business community by providing a reliable, well networked and well managed cloud & carrier of neutral Data Center Infrastructure Services and Consulting Services in Indonesia.

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Ulasan dan penilaian

4.03 total penilaian
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Ulasan terbaru

Business Development
May 2018
Jakarta Sel1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Pengalaman bekerja di kontraktor kekeluargaan
Hal yang baikBanyak hal seperti menambah pengetahuan dalam ilmu Engineering dll. Dapat berkenalan dengan klien di berbagai bidang seperti PU, pertamina, dll. Belajar semua hal terkait dengan proposal, tender, dan eksekusi proyek.
TantanganBanyak pekerjaan yang dicapurkan kegiatan pribadi. Banyak karyawan yang tidak kompeten, seperti masuk ke dalam perusahaan berdasakan unsur emosional dan saling menyalahkan dalam satu sama lain selama pekerjaan berlangsung
Feb 2017
Cilandak, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Ulasan Bekerja di PT Aldaberta Indonesia
Hal yang baikLumayan nyantai dan tidak banyak terikat waktu sh Hal positifnya bisa banyak mengimprove pengetahuan dan pengalaman.
TantanganPemahana mengenai pekerjaan lebih banyak dieksplor sendiri tanpa diberi arahan sehinga di awal berat untuk menyesuaikan
Finance staff
Oct 2016
Jakarta selatan1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Pekerjaan yang menurut saya dapat dikerjakan dengan teliti, rapih dan rajin
Hal yang baikLingkungan karyawan yang sangat ramah saling membantu dikala ada masalah, seperti keluarga sendiri tidak ada sungkan dalam hal apapun itu
Tantanganketika 2 orang atasan berbeda pendapat dan keduanya harus sejalan
Penilaian untuk Aldaberta Indonesia ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Aldaberta Indonesia. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.