Specialist, SPD Chemical

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Posted 2d ago

Job Responsibilities:

  • Negotiate contract terms of agreement and pricing, compare and evaluate offers from suppliers
  • Procure equipment through tender and negotiation process to obtain the competitive price
  • Conduct the tender fairly and focus only to get the competitive cost of material
  • Maintain and finalize tender/bidding process through system (SAP, SRM, RPA)
  • Accommodate user's special requirement, including urgent and emergency request
  • Works in-line with applicable procedures, protocols and regulations contract management
  • Manage spot purchase, administration data, and also contract transaction
  • Handle contract transaction start with analysis data for RFQ


Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor or Master Degree from reputable university
  • Proven work experience for at least 5 years as a Purchasing Specialist/Supervisor, Purchasing Analyst, Sourcing Analyst
  • Hands-on experience procure for Chemical materials
  • Hands-on experience with purchasing software: SAP, SRM, RPA, Microsoft, ARIBA
  • Solid analytical and negotiation skills
  • Fluent in English/Mandarin
  • Willing to do business trip
  • Placement: Serpong, Tangerang

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following languages are you fluent in?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Procurement Role?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?
  • Are you available to travel for this role when required?

Company profile

Company Logo for Asia Pulp And Paper
Manufacturing, Transport & LogisticsMore than 10,000 employees

As one of the world’s largest pulp and paper companies, Asia Pulp and Paper Group (APP) is responsible for delivering quality products to meet the growing global demand for tissue, packaging and paper. On any given day, our products find their way into the hands of consumers in various branded forms from all over the world. Started in 1972 with Tjiwi Kimia producing caustic soda, now we run operations across Indonesia and China with an annual combined pulp, paper, packaging product and converting capacity of over 19 million tons per annum. Today, APP markets its products in more than 120 countries across six continents.

Over the years, we have expanded our operations significantly through the acquisition and expansion of several of our pulp and paper mills. It’s our commitment to customer satisfaction that enables us to grow our share in paper sales worldwide and broaden our presence through offices in many countries. We believe ‘tradition and modernity go hand in hand’ which means we value long term relationships as part of our Eastern traditions, while we also are eager to embrace the modern values of innovation and efficiency.

Perks and benefits

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