Beauty Advisor (City Plaza Jatinegara)
- Minimal SMU, Diploma, Sajana semua jurusan
- Minimal 2 tahun pengalaman sebagai beauty consultant, beauty advisor / travel consultant
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
- Mencari customer baru untuk melakukan treatment
- Maintain, dan follow up customer dari berbagai networking yang tersedia
- Melakukan proses konsultasi dan menjawab keluhan Customer
- Mencapai target penjualan
- Membuat laporan penjualan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di City Plaza Jatinegara
- Gaji pokok dan tunjangan yang kompetitif
- Komisi sesuai hasil penjualan
- Mendapatkan pelatihan soft dan hard skill
- Potensi peningkatan karir
Employer questions
- Kualifikasi mana yang kamu miliki?
- Berapa gaji bulanan yang kamu inginkan?
- Berapa tahun pengalaman kerjamu dalam peran konsultasi?
- How many years' experience do you have as a Beauty Adviser?
- Apakah kamu berpengalaman dalam penjualan?
- Apakah kamu bersedia bekerja di luar jam kerja biasa saat dibutuhkan? (cth. akhir pekan, malam hari, hari libur nasional)
Company profile
Euromedica Group mission is to keep expanding and rise above to become the best choice for an all-in-one beauty solution in the market.
Through our portfolio of businesses, including European Slimming Centre (ESC), Euro Skin Lab (ESL), SKIN+, SLIM+, and FibreFirst, we are proud to be able to cater to a wide range of the market. We are also the only company in Indonesia that offers a complete range of aesthetics, slimming services, and nutraceuticals.
Euromedica is supported by professional medical personnel who are members of the medical & nursing team that includes foreign & local doctors, nurses, therapists, and beauticians as well as international standards for customer satisfaction.
*) Beware of recruitment fraud, Euromedica Group never requires any person/parties to receive payments/compensation for any recruitment purposes.
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