Tax Supervisor

Rp 9.000.000 – Rp 12.000.000 per month
Posted 1d ago

Job Descriptions :

Handle daily /monthly/yearly Tax related task (PPH 21, 23, 25, 26 , 4 ayat 2 , PPN, etc)

Control & analysis of tax-related transactions

Assist and check daily monthly and yearly job of subordinates.

Ensuring compliance with all applicable tax laws and regulations. 

Experience in managing tax audits, objections, appeals and review of accurate tax.

Preparing data for annual corporate tax returns, tax audits and SP2DK and communicate to related party.

Experienced preparing fiscal reconciliation & corporate tax returns

Monthly/ annual tax reconciliation and equalization with accounting data 



Requirement :

Candidate must possess at least bachelor's degree in Tax related fields.

Having minimal 5 years’ experience in Tax.

Having strong leadership and good communication.

Having skills of Reconcile Reporting & Distribution withholding tax, tax payment & journal entry, Verifying withholding tax dan SPT and other tax related issue.

an Expert in Indonesia Tax Regulations, Tax Reporting & Audit process.

Must have Brevet A & B certification.

Only shortlisted candidate will be processed.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a tax supervisor?
  • How many years of taxation experience do you have?
  • How many years of auditing experience do you have?
  • Are you available to work outside your usual hours when required? (e.g. weekends, evenings, public holidays)

Company profile

Company Logo for K-Line Logistics
Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics51-100 employees

Provide excellent logistics service to all customers through high competencies personnel and effective Management System and Resources.

Our Emphasis is Always on High-Quality Services.

Our management's primary goal to the customer: To provide the highest quality of services and logistic solutions that meet and exceeds the costumer's expectations and satisfaction.

Through our many years of experience with handling air & sea cargoes, "K" Line Logistics Indonesia, among the Kawasaki Group of companies, has continued to grow as a core logistics enterprise.

Perks and benefits
BPJS Kesehatan
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

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