Dosen Prodi Bahasa Inggris (UBM Kampus Ancol)

Posted 12h ago
  • Provide the best learning experience to improve Faculty competitive advantage
  • Be enthusiastic and passionate to carry out research and produce a publication
  • Contribute actively to community services
  • Contribute to the development, planning, and implementation of a high-quality curriculum
  • Participate in the administration of the department’s programs of study and other activities as requested.


Requirements :


  • Candidate must possess at least a Doctoral Degree/Master’s Degree in English Literature from a reputable University
  • Has knowledge and/or experience in translation studies and translation practice
  • TOEFL Score min. 550 (PBT)
  • Have NIDN and maintains JJA (Government Academic Credential Rank) from DIKTI, is highly preferable, or fresh graduate are welcome to apply
  • Excellent observation and listening skills
  • Good analytical thinking, solid conceptual, and excellent teaching skill
  • Open position for Part Time (Office Hour : Monday - Friday)
  • Placement at : UBM Ancol


If you meet the qualifications and really excited about the position, convey that enthusiasm in your Application, CV, Academic Certificate, Academic Transcript, and Recent Photograph





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Company profile

Company Logo for University of Bunda Mulia
Education & Training101-1,000 employees

As one of the leading and accomplished educational institutions, Bunda Mulia University and Bunda Mulia Tourism Academy under Bunda Mulia Education Foundation, has successfully made its mark in the field of education for 34 years. With the tagline “Bridging Education to the Real World” Bunda Mulia University and Bunda Mulia Tourism Academy aims to encourage quality improvement on education and infrastructure for their students.

One of the evidence of this statement is the existence of the Ancol Campus which was established in 2003 with a variety of excellent academic and non-academic facilities such as The UBM Grand Auditorium, The UBM Housing, photography laboratory, fitness center and many others.

Perks and benefits
Education support
Sports (e.g. Gym)

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