Head of Dept Human Capital - Banjarmasin

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,

At Kanaan School, we’re providing a quality education values. Our mission is to become a renowned, independent school that develops students’ and staff's potential optimally, is equipped with good moral values, and is able to actively contribute to global society. We would love to grow and be with talents that have the same passion as us.



  • Domiciled in Banjarmasin will be processed
  • A Bachelor's degree in Psychology.
  • Totally experience and having supervisory 3-5 years in HR/HC as HR senior coordinator or supervisor.
  • Excellent talent acquisition,  industrial relations, development, payroll, and HRIS
  • People-oriented and result-driven
  • Communicate in English and Bahasa

What you will do:

  • Be a representative for HR/HC in our branch by managing recruitment, administration, payroll (BPJS & Pph21), industrial relations, and all other HR/HC matters in a professional and Godly manner.
  • * You will communicate, socialize the organization's program, and also easily collaborate with other parties to reach branch and organization goals.


Skills to be need:

  • Multitasking
  • Organized and Strategy Oriented
  • Dual Focus (Employee and Management Needs)
  • Sensitive and Understanding Human Psychology
  • Negotiation and Conflict Management

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Head of Department?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?
  • Do you have experience in an administration role?
  • How many years of payroll experience do you have?
  • Which of the following languages are you fluent in?

Company profile

Education & Training101-1,000 employees

Lahir sebagai salah satu wujud syukur kepada Tuhan, Yayasan Kanaan didirikan pada tahun 1969 oleh Gereja Yesus Sejati Indonesia. Seiring dengan nama “Kanaan”, yakni tanah perjanjian yang berlimpah susu dan madu, Yayasan Kanaan memiliki harapan agar dapat menjadi sumber berkat yang mampu memancarkan sinar kasih Tuhan.

Sebagai salah satu kebutuhan utama masyarakat, Yayasan Kanaan menyadari pentingnya ketersediaan sarana pendidikan yang baik. Sekolah sebagai sarana pendidikan formal telah menjadi sumber ilmu pengetahuan dan menjadi tempat dimana karakter dibentuk. Oleh karena itu Yayasan Kanaan mendirikan Sekolah Kanaan yang pertama kali didirikan di Jakarta; dan seiring dengan penyertaan Tuhan di lebih dari 45 tahun ini, Sekolah Kanaan saat ini telah berada di 8 lokasi berbeda dan tersebar di 6 kota di 3 pulau berbeda.

Perks and benefits

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