Office Support Assistant

Posted 1d ago


Responsible for preparing and maintaining the equipment and rooms in order to ensure day-to-day learning activities are delivered.




  • Minimum High School or equivalent.
  • Minimum 2 years experience in office support work (as an office boy or cleaning service).
  • Good written and verbal communication skills, Basic English speaking skills and strong interpersonal skills in order to effectively liaise with internal and external parties.


  • Experience in the education industry, particularly in an international school setting.
  • Good computer literacy (Microsoft Office and Google Suite).
  • Knowledge of Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) and associated hazards as well as the safety precautions necessary in the operation of equipment.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • How many years' experience do you have as an Office Support Assistant?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?
  • Are you willing to undergo a pre-employment background check?
  • Are you willing to undergo a pre-employment medical check?

Company profile

Company Logo for British School Jakarta
Education & Training51-100 employees

BSJ is an HMC Co-educational Day School of 1,400 pupils and is recognised as a world leader in the education of children from Foundation Stage to the International Baccalaureate. With an attractive campus located on a modern green-field site in the suburbs of Jakarta, the school and Indonesia over a diverse environment to work and live.

Perks and benefits
Sports (e.g. Gym)

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