Purchasing Administrator

The primary responsibility of this role is to communicate with suppliers on a daily basis to follow up on orders, compile the status of each item, and raise orders internally using our own system. As a Purchasing Staff, you will also communicate with other divisions regarding stock arrival, manage SKU databases, check proforma invoices for discrepancies, handle defective good claims, and maintain internal product databases.

Main Responsibility:

  • Communicate daily with suppliers to follow up orders & compile status of each item (confirmed, not confirmed, pending, in delivery, arrived, etc)
  • Raising orders internally (our own system: XMS, gsheet)
  • Communicate with other divisions regarding stock arrival
  • SKU Management
  • Checking proforma invoices & communicate for discrepancies
  • Defective good claims
  • Internal product database management


  • Proficient in Excel & Google Sheet
  • Proficient in English
  • Attention to details
  • Highly organized
  • Minimum 1 year experience of administration (or) purchasing (or) executive supporting role (or) other relevant work experience
  • Proactive working style to ensure timely completion of responsibilities

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