Outbound Officer
Job Description:
- Menerima dan memproses permintaan New Account Bill (NAB) dari omni chanel (contact center)
- Melakukan penawaran Upsell dan Regainback
- Melakukan outbound call sejumlah data yang diterima sesuai dengan campaign program yang berjalan
- Menerima dan melakukan eskalasi laporan pelanggan yang diterima ke tim Broadband Contact Center berupa pembuatan laporan tiket
- Melakukan eskalasi ke Team Leader tim jika dibutuhkan eskalasi pihak leader
- Membuat report kerja harian dari hasil Outbound Call
- Membuat laporan hasil call
- Mengerjakan tugas tambahan lainnya yang diberikan sewaktu-waktu dengan batas waktu yang ditentukan
- Mengikuti aktivitas training, seminar dan mengajar untuk meningkatkan kualitas kinerja pekerjaan
- Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya gelar Sarjana di bidang apa pun.
- Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait diperlukan untuk posisi ini.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Kemampuan bernegosiasi
- Punya pengalaman sebagai Telesales/CS, memiliki kecakapan berkomunikasi via telepon dan berkorespondensi melalui Email/sosial media lainnya
- Memiliki pengetahuan seputar koneksi internet, baik melalui router kabel ataupun wifi (diutamakan)
- Mampu membuat report dalam bentuk Ms. Excel, Power Point dan terbiasa untuk melakukan presentasi hasil pencapaian.
Employer questions
- What's your expected monthly basic salary?
- Do you have experience in a sales role?
Company profile
At the start of Indonesia’s communication industry history, CBN has been one of the pioneer in that strongly emerged from its focus in business, commitment in service and endless product innovations. CBN is the leading ICT company in Indonesia, providing the most reliable Internet Services, Data Center, Cloud Computing and Interactive TV. CBN has thousands of kilometers Fiber Optic Network infrastructure and growing rapidly since in Indonesia since 1996.
"To be the Leader in the Information and Communication Technology industry by providing outstanding and Trustworthy services to exceed our customers' expectations"
With the objective of building the Internet community in Indonesia, CBN will continue to provide customers with a variety of facilities and innovative Internet solutions that they can access without having to go out of its Web site. CBN in Brief:
To provide solution in telecommunication to our customers through innovative technology.
To provide an excellent products and customer service.
To maintain integrity and high standard of personnel's performance and knowledge development.