Operator Produksi
Membutuhkan : Operator Ipal/WWTP
Kualifikasi :
Usia max . 25 thn
Pendidikan SMK / SMA Semua Jurusan
Non-pengalaman/Berpengalaman min . 1 thn di bidang IPAL/WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant)
Diutamakan dari manufaktur makanan dan minuman.
Memiliki kemampuan untuk bekerja secara cepat dan teliti
Memiliki sertifikat pengoperasian IPAL (lebih diutamakan)
Sehat secara jasmani dan rohani
Siap untuk di shift maupun long shift
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, disiplin, jujur & bertanggung jawab
Domisili Cirebon (penempatan Kab.Cirebon)
Wajib sudah vaksin min dosis 2/booster
Persyaratan minimum:
- Tersedia jam fleksibel
- Diperlukan 1 tahun pengalaman kerja yang relevan untuk posisi ini
- Pelamar harus memiliki KTP
- Tanggal mulai kerja: 16 January 2025
Company profile
Makmur Group
We are fast growing beverage company, need strong motivated team to grow with us.
Will be a strong consideration, if you have the basics of some management system (GMP, QMS,TQM, , etc),
We urge you to be careful when applying for jobs by always making sure the job advertisement matches the company profile.
Beware if you find the following:
PT Makmur Artha Sejahtera never collects any fees in the recruitment process.
PT Makmur Artha Sejahtera has never worked with certain travel agents / travel agencies in the recruitment process.
If you are asked to pay an amount of money in the form of payment for air tickets and hotels or other accommodations, ignore them.
If there is an interview call at a location that does not match the advertisement listed on the job advertisement.
Do not share your personal data or financial data with anyone.