Manufacturing Execution System - Cikande
A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is a software system that collects and analyzes data from the manufacturing floor to improve efficiency, quality, and traceability. MES engineers are responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of MES systems. They work with manufacturing engineers, operations managers, and IT professionals to ensure that MES systems meet the needs of the business.
• Design, implement, and maintain MES systems
• Work with manufacturing engineers, operations managers, and IT professionals to define system requirements
• Develop and test MES software
• Install and configure MES systems
• Train users on how to use MES systems
• Provide support for MES systems
• Bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or a related field
• 3+ years of experience in MES development or implementation
• Strong programming skills
• Experience with manufacturing processes
• Ability to work independently and as part of a team
• Excellent communication and problem-solving skills
"Pihak dan Perusahaan tidak akan meminta biaya dalam bentuk apapun pada saat melakukan proses recruitment. Mohon segera melaporkan kepada kami, apabila Anda jika pada saat diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."
" and the Company will not ask for any form of payment during the recruitment process. Please report to us immediately, if you are invited for an interview and asked to make a payment with a sum of money."
Profil perusahaan
Mowilex Indonesia
A dream was started in March 1970, a dream to create a high quality Decorative Paint product. A dream which transformed into an ambition to create paint and coating products that can stand on the international stage. As a local brand, we have been continually striving to improve and push ourselves to the limit of creating products that caters to the needs of our customers and to keep up with the ever evolving technological advancement. Our commitment to quality is the one thing that defines our company. Consistently using the best manufacturing practices with the best material available, we deliver products that will satisfy and even exceed the expectations of our customers.
We're proud to announce that our products has been used in many premium class housing projects, premium commercial blocks, and various hotels and apartments throughout the country. Our values makes us work with all our hearts to create a product that can touch all aspects of our customer's life, including but not limited to their family, their workplace, their house, and their immediate surroundings.
We aim to be the market leader of paint and coating industry in Indonesia, and afterwards, the world.
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